Qatar Univ. Sci. Bull. (1988), 8: 247-267 PETROPHYSICAL STUDIES FOR SOME LOWER CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS, WESTERN DESERT, EGYPT By M.D. EL-DAIRY', A.A. EL-SAYED2 and M.A. EL-HEFNAWY2 1. Deptartment of Geology, Al-Zagazig University, Egypt. 2. Deptartment of Geology, University of Qatar. Key words: Lower Cretaceous, Electrical resistivity, Velocity. ABSTRACT The Kharita, the Dahab and the Alamein Formations are representing the upper part of the Lower Cretaceous rock sequence in the northern part of the Egyptain Western Desert. Some core samples have been obtained from these rock units. They are subjected for both electrical resistivity and rock porosity measurements . . . Formation factor-porosity relations at four different brine concentrations have been performed. Petrophysical exponents (a, m & n) of the Archie's general formulae have been determined at the in situ formation water resistivity (Rw "" 0. 72 Ohm.m.). They are very helpful to perform an effective well-log interpretation for the studied intervals. In addition, the correlated relationship between the _variations in the interval velocities as a petrophysical character and the existing lithofiJ.cies changes in these above mentioned formations have been investigated. INTRODUCTION The study area (Fig. 1) comprises about 45000 being marked \jy Lat. 29°50 1 and 31°401N and Long 25°001 and 28°001 E, in which hydrocarbon exploration activities were carried out by different operators since 1940. The drilled rock succession, in the study area, includes a sedimentary sequence ranging in age from Cambro-Ordovician to the Recent (Metwalli et al, 1979). The Lower Cretaceous rock sequence has been considered as a source of attraction for many petroleum geologists. This might be due to its probable high hydrocarbon Petrophysical studies for some lower Cretaceous formations potentiality. In the study area, the Lower Cretaceous rocks have been cored in few wells. Therefore, the all geological studies formerly done are mainly based on ditch samples (drill-cuttings). Regional geology, structure, settimentology and stratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous rock units have been comperhensively studied by different authors (El-Gezzery et al, 1972; Abdin and Deibis, 1972; Barakat and Arafa, 1972; Metwalli and Abdel-Hady, 1973 & 1975; Philip et al, 1980; and Barakat and Darwish, 1984). The Lower Cretaceous sequence has been classified into different rock units by different authors (Tab. 1). In the present study, the classification assumed by Barakat and Darwish (1984) has been adopted. 0 . u •o ;;; Cl ..J .... z ..J ILl .., ILl ILl ... :r: ...: Ill Ill Ill . ILl @ @ co ..J N ... :t: ~ .. % ::> 0 ::> "' "' ~ a: ... ... ::> o .. ~ :r 0 UJ "' z 1/) ... :t: ... :t 9 ... l!:!JZ . ..... a. N . ..... 0 N ~ ... z 0 ~ ::> f!j)~ c .. :t .. 0 ... "' ~ 0 ::> .. 11 0 N o~ .. 0 :t ~ ... u .. ~ llic 0 .. " _J ... a: .. .. .. Ill ... N :t: a: ::> ::> <(8~ ... .. en .!El I.J... ~ "' .. .. e ~ ... "' zf- 0 a: a: :J ~ Ww f-\1) Vlw ~0 • ............... , U'> N 5! ·-·_,-·-·-·"i3(ii"Oi"'NYA8ir ' 'g •o M 248 M.D. EL-DAIRY, A.A. EL-SA YED, and M.A. EL-HEFNA WY In addition, the well velocity survey data from 24 wells located in the concerned area and 23 core samples were obtained from the Egyptain General Petroleum Corporation and used in the present study. Out of the 23 core samples, only 9 calcareous sandstone samples were from the Kharita Formation, while 2 calcareous sandstone samples were from the Dahab Formation. Only 5 samples were belonging to the Alamein Formation. The rest are broken during measurements. .s ~ 0 ..c:: -· ;:s -< "' ;:s 0 ~ u ro -~· 1-; u z 8~ "' -0~ z WJ VliI .J' 0:· « E IlL "' - Vl c u W.:f N13ti'VlV z w :.:E : E : E - - Cll . ~ -: 0 z UJ u NVI81V NVIldV 5 n o 3 :J v 1 3 -~ > ~ tT1 t;"' [JJ > ...:: tT1 0 § Q. ~ > tT1 r' ± ~ > ~ Petrophysical studies for some lower Cretaceous formations Table 2 (Contd.) Alamein Carbonates (Ghazalat Well) Sample Rw4 = 0.06 Ohm.m No Well Name Porosity Ro F Ro F Fraction 17 Ghazalat 10.9 181 9.36 156.1 0.031 18 Ghazalat 3.33 55.6 4.23 70.6 0.058 19 Ghazalat 15.6 260.0 16.5 275.0 0.054 20 Ghazalat 6.04 100.7 6.5 107.8 0.042 21 Ghazalat 10.3 172.3 11.55 192.5 O.o35 Upper Alamein Clastics. 22 Mersa-Matruh 0.67 11.22 0.612 10.2 0.250 23 Mersa-Matruh 0.72 12.10 0.690 11.5 0.219 24 Mersa-Matruh 3.20 53.30 3.100 52.4 0.102 25 Faghur 1.20 20.00 1.200 20.0 0.186 26 Faghur 0.76 12.75 0.775 12.9 0.200 29 Ghazalat 0.67 11.22 0.650 10.9 0.283 31 Mersa-Matruh 3.60 59.80 3.600 60.7 0.100 Table 3 Calculation of Resistivity Index versus water saturation for the studied samples Sample 0.0 rpm 1000 rpm 2000 rpm 3000 rpm No Ro(Ohm.m) I1 sw 12 sw 13 sw Upper Alamein Clastics (Horizontal Direction) 22 0.8160 1.2500 0.5284 0.5350 0.1439 2.2868 0.0682 23 0.8160 1.0625 0.6160 1.8750 0.2740 2.5000 0.0479 24 1.3908 1.2295 0.8270 1.3197 0.6380 1.6393 0.5172 25 0.8480 *** *** *** *** *** *** 26 0.8262 1.0247 0.5632 1.5309 0.4655 1.8518 0.3735 29 1.0980 1.1111 0.6983 1.2222 0.2500 1.7778 0.1983 31 1.4364 1.0978 0.8420 1.2030 0.7543 1.3158 0.6666 Upper Alamein Clastics (Vertical Direction) 22 0.7140 1.1143 0.5284 1.9571 0.1439 2.5428 0.0682 23 0.9180 1.2778 0.6160 1.6444 0.2740 1.7277 0.0479 24 1.4421 1.2253 0.8270 1.5810 0.6380 1.5810 0.5172 25 0.9050 *** *** *** *** *** *** 26 0.8466 1.0181 0.5632 1.8072 0.4655 1.3617 0.3735 29 0.9150 1.2000 0.6983 1.1667 0.2500 1.9870 *** 31 1.8360 1.0294 0.8420 1.0588 0.7543 1.1000 0.6666 252 M.D. EL-DAIRY, A.A. EL-SA YED, and M.A. EL-HEFNA WY Table 3 (Contd.) Alamein Carbonates (Horizontal Direction) 17 6.3240 3.1452 0.3333 4.1942 0.0100 6.2903 0.0050 18 5.1040 1.0933 0.7500 1.1853 0.6250 1.2962 0.3125 19 9.5400 1.8218 0.3080 2.2787 0.1540 2.4444 0.0050 20 6.5720 2.4516 0.3846 3.4510 0.1538 3.7097 0.0050 21 6.4900 2.0339 0.1800 5.2800 0.0625 6.9491 0.0050 Alamein Carbonates (Vertical Direction) 17 6.0690 2.3064 0.3300 2.6554 0.0100 2.7395 0.0000 18 5.1700 1.0174 0.7500 1.2659 0.6250 1.8549 0.3125 19 9.4870 1.2290 0.3080 1.3408 0.1540 1.8994 0.0000 20 6.6250 1.6080 0.3846 1.9120 0.1538 2.7200 0.0000 21 5.7500 1.8435 0.1800 3.0609 0.0625 3.6348 0.0000 t.-t.-t.-These samples were broken during experimental tests. FORMATION FACTOR-POROSITY RELATION The relationship between the formation resistivity factor and the porosity of a porous medium has been investigated both theoritically (Fricke, 1924; Clavier, et al and Bussian, 1983) and empirically (Archie, 1942; Perez-Rosales, 1982; Hassan and EI-Sayed, 1983; and El-Sayed, 1987) through more than 50 years. Laboratory studies indicate that pore space framework, in which the electri<; conduction take place, is not rather simple. The pore-wall, which consists of grain surfaces, in reservoir rocks is extremely irregular due to many diagenetic controls (authigenetic· mineral growth and/or desolution). This irregularity, in most cases, creates regions. of stagnation called traps. Therefore, the pore space can be divided into flowing; and stagnent region (Perez-Rosales, 1982) for fluids as well as for electric currents. From this view point, the formation factor-porosity relation depends upon the pore space history. The formation factor - porosity relations of both the Kharita and the Dahab Formations as clastic units (upper Alamein clastics) were constructed to reveal the probable effect of the brine concentration on both the cementation exponent(m) and the multiplier(a) of the Archie's general equation; F = a.0·m _ ---------- _ (1) Where; F = formation resistivity factor, 0 = rock porosity, fraction. 253 N 'Jl .j::. WELL FORMATION Kharita Dahab Alamein Mideiwar Abyad Matruh Alam EI-Bueib Betty Abyad v int 1555 1669 2027 1875 2666 1928 1921 1883 Mideiwar Siqeifa v v int int 3720 3567 3857 3643 3963 4070 3750 3598 4756 3506 3659 3659 3537 3667 >3537 3918 Table 4 Formation velocity analysis. Kanayis Khalda Urn Barka Louly v v v v int int int int 3796 4009 3963 4299 4314 4070 4268 4131 4869 4726 4558 4619 3659 4223 4329 4467 4131 5031 4695 5534 - 4345 3963 4619 - - 4512 4588 - -- 3329 - "-- Yakout Ghazalat-N EI-Basour v v v int int int 3277 2810 2735 Missed 2875 Missed Missed 2895 Missed Missed 2990 Missed Missed 2915 2760 3689 3015 2746 3963 3065 Missed 4009 Missed Missed ~ t ~ [ "' 2" ~ 0' ..., ~ <1> 0 ~ Q <1> ., g ~ 0' 3 ., g· "' 6000 6600 ;:::._ 7200 5 ] 7800 "' 0) Vl e 84oo ,.g 9600 10200 M.D. EL-DAIRY, A.A. EL-SA YED, and M.A. EL-HEFNA WY 500 \ \ One Way Vertical Time (usee) 560 \ \ \ \ \ \ I 620 680 740 800 860 \ \ ' Average Velocity ~ i \ '. \ \ ' ' ' ' Jl'1-lnterval Velocity I ' ' ") § N ...... ' I J "-. Time_ \{Distance ·'9 ...... Velocities (ft/sec) FORMATION Kharita Dahab Alamem Mideiwar A by ad Matruh Alam El Bueib etty Jurassic Fig. 2: Abyad Well Formation Velocities LITH +·.·. - .. - ·- -- TT- -- --- -- --- ..L.:j-!:- - - -- --- -- ~ :~:-- -- "'----- -·- .. .. .. - .. . . - The plot (Figs 3&4) exhibits the formation factor versus rock porosity for the samples of the upper Alamein clastics (Figs. 3A&B) and samples from the Alamein Formation (Figs. 4A&B) at four different brine concentrations. The electrical resistivity of the fully saturated (100%) rock (Ro) was measured in both horizontal and vertical directions. The analysis of these relations indicates that the calculated cementation ex- ponent(m) increases vigorously by the increasing of the brine concentration. Nevertheless, the multiplier(a) almost remains constant with value about 1.0. This phenomenon can be explained by the existence of clay minerals of high cation, exchange capacity (CEC) acting as conductive solids among the reservoir rock formation fines. Clay minerals were mainly kaolinite and illite (El-Dairy, 1986). 255 ~ .... 0 t> 0: .... = .2 (;j e .... 0 .... Petrophysical studies for some lower Cretaceous formations A Horizontal 100,----------------------------. B Vertical Rw=0.72 Om );> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ·,.o 10 "$ Rw =5.4 Om Rw=5.4 Om 1 100 Rw=0.06 Om ~ ~ ~ C?Jis- 10 Rw=4.5 Om Rw=4.5 Om 1 ~--~~~~~~---L--~-L~~ 0.01 0.1 1 0.01 Porosity (0f) B'y) ·d'j'< 0.1 Rw=0.72 Om ~ ~ 0 ·..r; •• G' Bo "'% Rw=0.06 Om ~ ~ 0 ·,.o ~ B ;.., ._,. .J' Fig. 3: Formation Factor-Porosity Relation for the Upper Alamein Clastics 256 M.D. EL-DAIRY, A.A. EL-SAYED, and M.A. EL-HEFNAWY A Horizontal 1~c-----------~ 10~--~~~~~w 1~ .-------------.., \ '\ 10 '-----'--~~~......, 0.01 0.1 0.01 Rw=4.5 Om' 0.1 0.01 Porosity (0,) B Vertical Rw=5.4 Om Rw=4.5 Om Rw = 0.72 Om \ Rw=0.06 Om \ .<'>'\\ .<'> '\\ • ?,d •

~ -ro = tn Ill Ci .s .... ..... «;; <]) 0 -0 .... ro B ~ "' ell .... -; >< = .s <]) 't:l t) Q "' .... ....... "'"' ;;.., -:~ - :;;: < u ..... 0 0 ..... 0 0 ..... ..... (I) X;JpUJ Al!A!lS!S;)"M 260 N 0'1 ..... LEGEND I. Faghur 13. Abu Tunis 2. El Basour 14. El Ramis 3. Faghur-E 15· Ghazalat 4. Mamura 16. Meleiha 5. Dawabis 17. Mideiwar 6. Zayed 18. Mersa Matruh 7. Urn Barka 19. Siqeifa 8. Louly 20. Zarif 9 · Abyad Zl. Mansour 10. Kahraman 22· Yakout II. Khalda 23· Kheima 12. Ghazalat-N o 24· Kanayis Well Locaf 1/1 =- Conto~r Li:: - Questionable Contour ~-:~EO' .~ ~~·-.'~" e ' ' E ~ .. ~Z_;J· ~ ""' ; " "::'~ "• 0 3.?q;, 3Jq;, -'% ~"32~--~ A N S E A ,-......_~,_,8 i o ~ I 019/L···;;\ 21 I 23 --lJJ 0 ! ')\\}.\~ ?i$fl___J ~__j 1'1vv I / 1 .J-~2~, I I / I 8 ./' \...__...,.. ....... 12 0 moo~ 0 22 I '~:·"v /w o 20 \ \ "=± Contour Interval 100 Mlsec 40 km / QATTARA I _ DEPRESSION o I I I -J 26' ---l zs· ·Fig. 6: Velocity Gradient Map of Alamein Formation s= b tT1 t;"' 0 ~ -~ > ?> ~ rJJ ~ 0 [ s= ?> tT1 t;"' ~ ~ ...-:: ~ ------ -- -·------ LEGEND ------ ---------I -~ l MEDITERRA N E A N S E A I. Faghur i3. Abu Tunis - --~~~~-~ %'fo" I 2. El Basour '14. El Ramis I 3. Faghur-E 15. Ghazalat I 4 Mamura 16. Meleiha 5. Dawabis 17. Mideiwar 6. Zayed 18. Mersa Matruh 7. Um Barka 19. Siqeifa ~ ;::~~ , .. 8. Louly 20. Zarif 9. Abyad 21. Mansour ~:.~~ 10. Kahraman 22. Yakout 11. Khalda 23. Kheima 12. Ghazalat-N 24. Kanayis o , Well Location ~ 010 Contour Line 3Joo Questionable Contour 'ff$1 I '-....__~ / I ~ ' 0 ------ 2900 ---- I ~--2900 I 10 0 20 40 km· ~=-r~ \ Contour Interval '100M/sec ~-- _\-----l--o------ 25 \ ,~tU_ - 26 ~~3800 22 - , K ~' /,.·""·\. il '~ ,.-- (. . ) . ,;;.,,~;. - --·- / '----...,1"15 0 - ··- .... I. 27' Fig.' 7: Velocity Gradient Map of Dahab Formation I .. )(ll I 28 j a' .., .g ::r- ~ [ "' 2' ~ Ci' .., ~ " 0 ~ .., Q " s il 0 ~ Ci' 3 "' g· "' M.D. EL-DAIRY, A.A. EL-SAYED, and M.A. EL-HEFNAWY Velocity gradient map of the Kharita Formation (Fig. 8) shows a systematical increase in velocity towards the northern direction of the study area. This may be due to the homogenity in lithofacies distribution of this formation which is composed of predominant sandstone with a few carbonate and shale streaks at the northern portions of the area. These streaks suffer from a rapid decrease as it is gone to the south direction. This can explain the general decrease in velocity gradient from the north to the south directions. i l_ "" w z "" w I I -------- ------·---~--~·--~- --·--- -------·----- -----------' 263 00 Petrophysical studies for some lower Cretaceous formations CONCLUSIONS 1. The formation resistivity factor-porosity relations show the effect of conductive solids (kaolinite and illite), at different brine concentrations, on the multi- plier(a) and cementation exponent(m) for the concerned rock samples. 2. The (a/m) ratio could be considered as a lithofacies discriminating parameter, at certain formation water salinity, for the studied formations. It can easily performed for any sedimentary basin. 3. The calculated saturation exponents(n) indicate that smaples, under investiga- tion, are mainly water-wet (low saturation exponent). The saturation exponent measured in horizontal directions can be used for fluid saturation calculation in the concerned rock sequence. 4. In general, it can be concluded that the high velocity can be attributed to massive rocks (carbonate or argillaceous sandstone rocks), while low velocity can be returned to loose rocks (mainly sandstones). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are grateful to the authorities of the Egyptain General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC) for providing the necessary data. Financial support from the Egyptain Studentship Management is also gratefully acknowledged. REFERENCES Abdine, A.S. and Deibis, S. 1972. Lower Cretaceous Aptain sediments and their oil prospects in the North Western Desert of Egypt., 8th Arab Petrol. Cong., Algiers. Archie, G.E. 1942. The electrical resistivity logs as an aid in determining some reservoir characteristics., Trans., AIME. 146: 54-67. Barakat, M.G. and Arafa, A.A. 1981. Matruh shales contribution to their stratigraphy and sedimentary environment., Jour. Geol. Egypt. 25: 85-94. Barakat, M.G. and Darwish, M. 1984. 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