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AuthorFincham, Susanne
AuthorO'Hara, Lily
AuthorCole, Rachel
AuthorTaylor, Jane
Available date2023-08-29T07:18:08Z
Publication Date2023-07-12
Publication NameJBI Evidence Synthesis
CitationFincham, Susanne1; O’Hara, Lily2; Cole, Rachel1; Taylor, Jane1. Characterization of critical health promotion: a scoping review protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis ():10.11124/JBIES-23-00008, July 12, 2023. | DOI: 10.11124/JBIES-23-00008
AbstractThis scoping review will explore how critical health promotion is characterized in the health promotion literature. Critical health promotion has emerged as a social justice approach to health promotion to address the persistent global issue of health inequity. Whilst critical health promotion is not conceptually new and the term has been used in the literature, albeit sparingly, this approach has not been adopted as standard health promotion practice, compromising the advancement of health equity. Given that language shapes the understanding and practice of health promotion, it is imperative to explore how critical health promotion is characterized in the literature to increase uptake of the approach. This review will consider sources that explore critical health promotion and are explicitly positioned as health promotion sources. Scopus, CINAHL (EBSCOhost), PubMed, Global Health (CABI), and the Public Health Database (ProQuest) will be searched to identify relevant full-text papers, including original research, reviews, editorials, and opinion papers. Searches of Google Scholar, Google, and ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global (ProQuest) will be undertaken to identify gray literature. No language or date restrictions will be applied. Two reviewers will screen sources and extract data using a tool that will be pilot tested, modified, and revised, as necessary. Analysis will involve basic frequency counts and descriptive qualitative content analysis through basic coding. The results will be presented in tables, charts, and word clouds, accompanied by a narrative summary.
PublisherLippincott, Williams & Wilkins
social justice
structural determinants
TitleCharacterization of critical health promotion: a scoping review protocol.

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