Browsing by Author "Shawaqfah, Moayyad"
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Developing pretreatment methods to promote the production of biopolymer and bioethanol from residual algal biomass (RAB)
Fares, AlMomani; Shawaqfah, Moayyad; Alsarayreh, Malak; Khraisheh, Majeda; Hameed, Bassim H.; Naqvi, Salman Raza; Berkani, Mohammed; Varjani, Sunita... more authors ... less authors ( Elsevier , 2022 , Article)This study investigates the effect of acidic pretreatment (HT-ACPT), enzymatic pretreatment (ENZ-PT), and microwave laser-hydrogen peroxide-Fe-nanoparticle pretreatment (Mv-H2O2-Fe-PT) on the production of bioethanol ...