• Metal Organic Frameworks, Their Properties and Future Promises in the Medical Field 

      Mohamed, Nura Adam ( Nova Science Publishers, Inc. , 2021 , Book chapter)
      Nanotechnology is defined as the manipulation of matter at the atomic and molecular level, with nanomedicine being a subdivision of nanotechnology, where nanoparticles are used in medicine often as a drug delivery vehicle ...
    • Nanomedicine as a Potential Tool against Monkeypox. 

      Mohamed, Nura Adam; Zupin, Luisa; Mazi, Sarah Ismail; Al-Khatib, Hebah A; Crovella, Sergio ( MDPI , 2023 , Article Review)
      Human monkeypox is a rare viral zoonosis that was first identified in 1970; since then, this infectious disease has been marked as endemic in central and western Africa. The disease has always been considered rare and ...