• Connecting the multiple dimensions of global soil fungal diversity 

      Mikryukov, Vladimir; Dulya, Olesya; Zizka, Alexander; Bahram, Mohammad; Hagh-Doust, Niloufar; ... more authors ( American Association for the Advancement of Science , 2023 , Article)
      How the multiple facets of soil fungal diversity vary worldwide remains virtually unknown, hindering the management of this essential species-rich group. By sequencing high-resolution DNA markers in over 4000 topsoil samples ...
    • Global patterns in endemicity and vulnerability of soil fungi 

      Tedersoo, Leho; Mikryukov, Vladimir; Zizka, Alexander; Bahram, Mohammad; Hagh-Doust, Niloufar; ... more authors ( Wiley , 2022 , Article)
      Fungi are highly diverse organisms, which provide multiple ecosystem services. However, compared with charismatic animals and plants, the distribution patterns and conservation needs of fungi have been little explored. ...
    • Reading tea leaves worldwide: Decoupled drivers of initial litter decomposition mass-loss rate and stabilization 

      Sarneel, Judith M.; Hefting, Mariet M.; Sandén, Taru; van den Hoogen, Johan; Routh, Devin; ... more authors ( Wiley , 2024 , Other)
      The breakdown of plant material fuels soil functioning and biodiversity. Currently, process understanding of global decomposition patterns and the drivers of such patterns are hampered by the lack of coherent large-scale ...