Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Light in the Darkness: Inspirational South African Entrepreneurs’ Advice for Success
Qatar University
, 2018 , Article)
The legacy of apartheid is still apparent in South Africa and with a
declining growth rate and a chronically high unemployment rate, the challenges
faced by entrepreneurs are considerable. Despite these significant ...
Financial Intermediaries and Capital Market Development in Nigeria
Qatar University
, 2018 , Article)
This study investigates the impact of financial intermediaries on
capital market development in Nigeria employing co-integration. To capture the
activities of financial intermediaries, five proxies were used to explain ...
The Relationship Between Net Trade and Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Africa
Qatar University
, 2018 , Article)
We study the net impacts of international trade on carbon dioxide
(CO2) emissions in African countries at different income groupings and other
driving forces of environmental impacts (CO2 emissions) using an augmented
Corporate Governance and Auditor Choice in Kuwait
Qatar University
, 2018 , Article)
Although auditor choice has been studied extensively in the audit literature,
research examining this issue in developing markets has been scarce thus far. The
objective of this study is to investigate the impact of ...