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AuthorEvtyushkin D.
AuthorElwell J.
AuthorOzsoy M.
AuthorPonomarev D.
AuthorGhazaleh N.A.
AuthorRiley R.
Available date2019-10-06T09:38:36Z
Publication Date2018
Publication NameIEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing
AbstractWe consider the problem of how to provide an execution environment where the application's secrets are safe even in the presence of malicious system software layers. We propose Iso-X- A flexible, fine-grained hardware-supported framework that provides isolation for security-critical pieces of an application such that they can execute securely even in the presence of untrusted system software. Isolation in Iso-X is achieved by creating and dynamically managing compartments (isolated software modules) to host critical fragments of code and associated data. Iso-X provides fine-grained isolation at the memory-page level, flexible allocation of memory, and a low-complexity, hardware-only trusted computing base. Iso-X requires minimal additional hardware, a small number of new ISA instructions to manage compartments, and minimal changes to the operating system which need not be in the trusted computing base. The run-time performance overhead of Iso-X is negligible and even the overhead of creating and destroying compartments is modest. An FPGA implementation of Iso-X runtime mechanisms shows a negligible impact on the processor cycle time. 2004-2012 IEEE.
SponsorThis publication was made possible by the support of the NPRP grant 4-1593-1-260 from the Qatar National Research Fund. The statements made herein are solely the responsibility of the authors.
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Subjecthardware security
isolated execution
TitleFlexible hardware-managed isolated execution: Architecture, software support and applications
Issue Number3
Volume Number15
dc.accessType Abstract Only

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