Now showing items 48-67 of 259

    • International legal obligations of armed opposition groups in Syria 

      Rodenhäuser, Tilman ( Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals , 2015 , Article)
      Starting with peaceful protests of people demanding democratic reforms and fundamental rights from the regime in Damascus, the Syria crisis developed into a full-fledged civil war causing largescale death, injury, and ...
    • Intra-family violence or domestic violence, a domestic relationship or merely a case of sibling rivalry: Where to draw the line? 

      le Roux-Kemp, Andra ( Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals , 2013 , Article)
      In a recent judgment by the South African Supreme Court of Appeal, Daffy v. Daffy, (659/2011) [2012] ZASCA 149; [28 September 2012] 4 All SA 607 (SCA); 2013 (1) SACR 42 (SCA) the question of what exactly constitutes a ...
    • Investing in Italy: Key legal issues for investors in the Gulf 

      Montanaro, Matteo; de Nardis, Eugenio S. ( Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals , 2015 , Article)
      Recent market data and press reports seem to confirm a growing interest, including from the Gulf, for investments in private and listed companies in Italy. In taking advantage of the opportunities presented by the Italian ...
    • Is ADR suitable for the resolution of intellectual property disputes? 

      Abou El Farag, Mohamed Salem; أبو الفرج, محمد سالم ( Hamad bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press) , 2017 , Conference Paper)
      Intellectual property (IP) is the branch of law that protects innovations and creations, such as new technological inventions, literary, artistic and musical creations, distinctive signs, computer programs, trade secrets, ...
    • Is Legalism always the Best Approach? Between an Atomistic and Holistic Approach to Post-Conflict Societies 

      Ademović, Jasmin; أديموفيتش, جاسمين ( Qatar University Press , 2019 , Article)
      This paper is based on the premise that an overreliance on law in transitional justice fails to sufficiently address the long-term aims of healing and reconciliation, particularly in post-conflict societies. As a result ...
    • Islamic Sharia and arbitration in GCC States: The way ahead 

      Abdallah, Amel K.; عبد الله, آمال كامل ( Qatar University Press , 2020 , Article)
      Irrespective of the existence of a legislative environment complying with the most recent international texts in the field of Arbitration in most GCC states; such as UNCITRAL Model Law of international Commercial Arbitration, ...
    • De la fictivité en Droit Qatarien des Sociétés Commerciales 

      Mzoughi, Chaker; المزوغي, شاكر ( Qatar University Press , 2022 , Article)
      Objectifs : Il s’agit dans le cadre de cette étude de déterminer la place réservée par le législateur qatarien aux situations fictives. Les études antérieures ont traité un seul aspect de la question, celui de la société ...
    • La proportionnalité en droit des sociétés 

      Mamlouk, Amel; مملوك, أمال ( Qatar University Press , 2020 , Article)
      comRésuméLa présente étude porte sur le principe de proportionnalité en droit des sociétés. Même si la proportionnalité trouve sa source en droit public, elle a envahi différentes branches du droit privé sans avoir pour ...
    • Le cadre juridique de la société par actions simplifiée dans la législation marocaine 

      Attahir, Rachid; الطاهر, رشيد ( دار نشر جامعة قطر , 2023 , Article)
      L'importance de cette recherche réside dans le fait qu'elle porte sur un droit moderne au Maroc qui réglemente une nouvelle forme de société, qui est la société par actions simplifiée (SAS), qui jouit de nombreuses ...
    • Le Contrôle des Marchés Financiers en Droit Qatarien Articulations externes et synergie interne 

      Mzoughi, Chaker; المزوغي, شاكر ( Qatar University Press , 2020 , Article)
      Une étude sur le contrôle des marchés financiers qatariens est d’actualité à plus qu’un titre. Tout d’abord, la Bourse du Qatar cherche à s’affirmer dans le paysage économique malgré les richesses naturelles, c’est ce qui ...
    • Le droit de la santé à l’épreuve de la pandémie du COVID-19 - En droit Tunisien et comparé 

      Essebsi, Aïda Caïd; السبسي, عائدة قايد ( دار نشر جامعة قطر Qatar University Press , 2020 , Article)
      Lapandémie du COVID-19 est à l’origine d’une véritable crise sanitaire. Les décideurs sont contraints de faire appel aux règles existantes pour gérer la situation mais aussi d’adopter de nouveaux textes afin de trouver ...
    • Legal Assistance to Women’s Rights to Housing, Land and Property in Syria 

      Anak, Mohamed Ekbal Ezzedeen; أنق, محمد إقبال عزالدين ( دار نشر جامعة قطر , 2023 , Article)
      This paper aims to enhance the understanding of the Women’s Housing, Land and Property (HLP) Rights in Syria as a crucial pillar to ensure social and economic development and increase the enjoyment of human ...
    • (Legal) uncertainty: Takaful between English common law and Shari’a law 

      D'Alvia, Daniele ( Hamad bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press) , 2017 , Article)
      Concepts and principles of Islamic finance, which respect the beliefs and practices of the Muslim faith, are becoming more prevalent in the United Kingdom (UK). The concept of Takaful (Islamic insurance), while still in ...
    • The legitimacy of customary international law: Legal, moral, and social perspectives 

      Sergeev, Artem ( Hamad bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press) , 2017 , Article)
      This article explores the legitimacy of customary international law (CIL) from legal, moral, and social perspectives. The analysis questions the legal legitimacy of CIL based on the prisms of consent and sovereignty found ...
    • Les Mesures légales prises à l’occasion du Covid-19 entre justifications et enjeux 

      Mzoughi, Chaker; المزوغي, شاكر ( دار نشر جامعة قطر Qatar University Press , 2020 , Article)
      Les problèmes juridiques rattachés au Coronavirus ne constituent pas des conséquences directes à la pandémie, mais plutôt des effets engendrés suite aux mesures prises par les autorités publiques pour faire face au COVID-19. ...
    • Making the case for a digital lawyering framework in legal education 

      Thanaraj, Ann ( Hamad bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press) , 2017 , Article)
      In 2015, in a practice report on lawyering in a digital age published in the International Journal of Clinical Legal Education, the author and colleague Michael Sales made a modest proposal that could make law graduates ...
    • Maladministration and life beyond legality: The European Ombudsman's paradigm 

      Tsadiras, Alexandros ( Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals , 2015 , Article)
      The ambition of this article is to illustrate the attractions of thinking beyond legality and the ability of the concept of maladministration to modify established administrative dogma when utilised in a creative and ...
    • Mapping the Role of Law Clinics under the Legal Aid Act of Nigeria 

      SAN, Ernest Ojukwu; Yusuf, Mahmud; سان, إرنست أوجوكو; يوسف, محمود ( دار نشر جامعة قطر , 2023 , Article)
      Legal aid and the provision of legal assistance to poor and indigent citizens forms a core to the promotion, protection and enforcement of fundamental human rights especially for a vast majority of ...
    • Mens Rea in Qatar’s Penal Code: Criticisms and Recommendations 

      Al-Shamari, Khalid Saleh; الشمري, خالد صالح ( Qatar University Press , 2019 , Article)
      This paper discusses mens rea as an element of crime, examining the legislative wording of mens rea and the vital role that this wording plays in the formation of the mens rea element in the Qatari Penal Code. The purpose ...
    • The New Qatar Arbitration Law No. (2) of the year 2017 (Pros and Cons) 

      Mahmoud, Ahmed Sayed Ahmed; محمود, أحمد سيد أحمد ( Hamad bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press) , 2017 , Conference Paper)
      The Qatari economy is considered as one of the most dynamic and fastest-growing economies in the world. Consequently, the State of Qatar has become one of the main countries attracting foreign investors. This is indeed ...