تصفح حسب الناشر
    • Accession of Lebanon to the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI): Lessons Learned, Analysis, and Legal Aspects of Accession 

      Al Kubaisi, Shaikha; Al Maraghi, Mariam; Al Naimi, Noora; Al Naimi, Najla; Al Bashir, Rana; ; الكبيسي, شيخة; المراغي, مريم; النعيمي, نورة; النعيمي, نجلى; البشير, رنا; ... more authors ( Qatar University Press , 2018 , Other)
      This policy paper recommends that Lebanon should join the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI). The EITI can benefit Lebanon by providing transparency in Lebanon’s industrial sector, which serves the public ...
    • An Analysis of Export Restriction Rules and Proposals Under the WTO 

      Al Ahbabi, Bashayer Hassan; Al Shaikh, Maha Abdulaziz; Al Kaabi, Maryam Abdulrahman; Al Habshi, Hanadi Abdulrahamn; Bawazir, Sharouq Saeed; الأحبابي, بشاير حسن; الشيخ, مها عبدالعزيز; الكعبي, مريم عبدالرحمن; الحبشي, هنادي عبدالرحمن; بوزير, شروق سعيد... more authors ( Qatar University Press , 2018 , Other)
      This memorandum is a redacted version of a confidential research paper on export restriction negotiations in relation to food security under the auspices of the World Trade Organization (WTO). The complete version of this ...
    • The Blockade Imposed Against Qatar: An Analytical Study of WTO Principles 

      Al-Naemi, Amna Saif; Usman, Fatma Ghulam; Al-Seagh, Khadeeja Nasser; Al-Jassim, Maha Jawhar; Al-Semaiti, Noora Abdullah; ; النعيمي, آمنة سيف; عثمان, فاطمة غلام; السيغ, خديجة ناصر; الجاسم, مها جوهر; الصميطي, نورة عبدالله; ... more authors ( Qatar University Press , 2018 , Report)
      This analytical study sheds light on the consequences of the blockade imposed against Qatar and the violation of the blockading countries – the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, and ...
    • The Blockade of Qatar: Where Coercive Diplomacy Fails, Principles of Law Should Prevail 

      Khalaileh, Yaser; الخلايلة, ياسر ( Qatar University Press , 2019 , Article)
      Contemporary international law has developed a cautious attitude toward the use of coercive diplomacy, specifically in the deployment of economic sanctions in the form of boycotting or blockading one sovereign state by ...
    • A Code of Conduct for Tourists Visiting Qatar for the World Cup 2022 

      Mattar, Mohamed Y.; مطر, محمد يحيى ( Qatar University Press , 2020 , Article)
      This Code of Conduct for Tourist who are visiting Qatar for the World Cup 2022 covers the fundamental rights and duties that must be observed and implemented such as the right to movement, travel and safety and obtaining ...
    • Conditions Precedent in Farmout Agreements – An Overview 

      Pereira, Eduardo G.; Lewis, Madeleine J.; بيريرا, إدواردو; لويس, مادلين ( Qatar University Press , 2019 , Article)
      Conditions precedent to Farmout Agreements (FOA) are critical in ensuring that an agreement is fulfilled under conditions that are protective of the parties’ interests in the agreement. Conditions precedent offer parties ...

      DAHDAL, ANDREW; دحدل, أندرو مازن ( Qatar University Press , 2020 , Article)
      A key element of attracting tourists to any country is the promise of safety and security. One of the great fears weighing on the minds of tourists is being embroiled in the legal system of a foreign land. As with attracting ...
    • Crimes of Electronic Defamation, Libel, and Slander under Jordanian Cybercrimes Law 

      Al-Zoubi, Muath; الزعبي, معاذ ( Qatar University Press , 2023 , Article)
      This article aims to examine how the Jordanian Cybercrimes Law (No. 27 of 2015) addresses the crimes of electronic defamation, libel, and slander, to develop a better understanding of how these crimes can be combatted, as ...
    • Deciphering the OIC Investment Agreement in Light of the Itisaluna v. Republic of Iraq Award 

      Konstantinidis, Ioannis; كونستانتينيديس, يوانيس ( Qatar University Press , 2022 , Article)
      Promulgated in 1981, the purpose of the Agreement on Promotion and Protection and Guarantee of Investments among Member States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (nowadays the Organization of Islamic Cooperation) ...
    • The Documentary Scope of the Carriage of Goods by Sea Articles Under the Qatari Maritime Law and International conventions 

      Al-Marzouqi, Muna Mustafa; المرزوقي, منى مصطفى ( Qatar University Press , 2019 , Article)
      The contract of carriage of goods by sea is regulated under the Qatari Maritime Law No. 15 of 1980 in Articles 143–167. From these articles, it is inferred that they are only applicable to contract of carriage evidenced ...
    • Emilia Justyna Powell, Islamic Law and International Law: Peaceful Resolution of Disputes 

      Konstantinidis, Ioannis ( Qatar University Press , 2020 , Book Review)
      The settlement of inter-state disputes is an integral part of the international legal system. The obligation of States to settle their disputes peacefully is enshrined in Article 2(3) of the Charter of United Nations. In ...
    • Evaluating Legal Certainty under Insolvency Regulations of the European Union 

      Al Maskari, Bader; المسكري, بدر ( Qatar University Press , 2020 , Article)
      This article examines the insolvency rules of the European Union, specifically, the Recast European Insolvency Regulation (EIR Recast 2015), in order to determine whether such rules help enhance legal certainty in cross-border ...
    • Final Report and Recommendations for the Conference "Law and Media: Horizons and Challenges" 

      Mzoughi, Chaker ( Qatar University Press , 2020 , Report)
      Final Report and Recommendations for the Conference "Law and Media: Horizons and Challenges"
    • Gas Aggregation as a Regulatory Model to Promote Improved Security of Domestic Gas Supply 

      Roberts, Peter; روبرتز, بيتر ( Qatar University Press , 2019 , Article)
      This paper analyzes the role that can be played by aggregation as a regulatory model for the effective structuring of a country’s gas sector, with a focus on how aggregation has functioned and is and could be functioning, ...
    • Human Rights of Women: Intersectionality and the CEDAW 

      Mohammed Alkuwari, Buthaina; محمد الكواري, بثينة ( Qatar University Press , 2022 , Article)
      This research aims to track the record of the “Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)” since its entry into force in 1981, to review its texts and the cases brought to it, to ...
    • The Insider Trading Prohibition in Qatar: A Critical Comparative Study with US Law 

      Alkayat, Abdullah Ahmed; الخياط, عبد الله أحمد ( Qatar University Press , 2023 , Article)
      The purpose of this research is to examine existing loopholes in Qatar’s insider trading laws as impediments to a functional stock market. Weak insider trading rules diminish investor trust in local markets, which may ...
    • Is Legalism always the Best Approach? Between an Atomistic and Holistic Approach to Post-Conflict Societies 

      Ademović, Jasmin; أديموفيتش, جاسمين ( Qatar University Press , 2019 , Article)
      This paper is based on the premise that an overreliance on law in transitional justice fails to sufficiently address the long-term aims of healing and reconciliation, particularly in post-conflict societies. As a result ...
    • Islamic Sharia and arbitration in GCC States: The way ahead 

      Abdallah, Amel K.; عبد الله, آمال كامل ( Qatar University Press , 2020 , Article)
      Irrespective of the existence of a legislative environment complying with the most recent international texts in the field of Arbitration in most GCC states; such as UNCITRAL Model Law of international Commercial Arbitration, ...
    • De la fictivité en Droit Qatarien des Sociétés Commerciales 

      Mzoughi, Chaker; المزوغي, شاكر ( Qatar University Press , 2022 , Article)
      Objectifs : Il s’agit dans le cadre de cette étude de déterminer la place réservée par le législateur qatarien aux situations fictives. Les études antérieures ont traité un seul aspect de la question, celui de la société ...
    • La proportionnalité en droit des sociétés 

      Mamlouk, Amel; مملوك, أمال ( Qatar University Press , 2020 , Article)
      comRésuméLa présente étude porte sur le principe de proportionnalité en droit des sociétés. Même si la proportionnalité trouve sa source en droit public, elle a envahi différentes branches du droit privé sans avoir pour ...