2017 - Volume 2017 - Issue 2
Recent Submissions
The New Qatar Arbitration Law No. (2) of the year 2017 (Pros and Cons)
( Hamad bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press) , 2017 , Conference)The Qatari economy is considered as one of the most dynamic and fastest-growing economies in the world. Consequently, the State of Qatar has become one of the main countries attracting foreign investors. This is indeed ... -
The role of the Civil and Commercial Court of Qatar Financial Centre under the New Arbitration Law No. 2 of 2017
( Hamad bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press) , 2017 , Conference)The Civil and Commercial Court of the Qatar Financial Centre (“the QFC Court”) was established by virtue of the Qatar Financial Centre Law No. 7 of 2005 as amended by Law No. 2 of 2009 (“the QFC Law”). The QFC Court has ... -
Future challenges and paradigmatic changes in international arbitration: A peek behind the curtain
( Hamad bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press) , 2017 , Conference)The unprecedented growth of international arbitration and the current state of euphoria should not serve to obscure the several challenges that lie ahead. While some challenges may only concern practical, albeit manageable ... -
Alternative Means to Resolve Administrative Contractual Disputes in the State of Qatar
( Hamad bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press) , 2017 , Conference)Administrative agreements, namely public procurement agreements, are considered as the most important types of agreements in the countries adopting the Latin legal tradition. Indeed, under these agreements, the public ... -
الوسائل البديلة للتحكيم لتسوية النزاعات الاقتصادية
( Hamad bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press) , 2017 , Conference)حظي التحكيم خلال القرن العشرين باهتمام متزايد، باعتباره الوسيلة الأفضل لحل النزاعات التي تتطلب السرعة في تسويتها، إلى جانب قلة تكاليفه مقارنةً بالقضاء العادي، إضافةً إلى كونه وسيلة إدارية تكفل ضمانة الثقة والاطمئنان لدى ... -
The rise and fall of international administrative arbitration: An inquiry into the commerciality of international arbitration under Egyptian Law
( Hamad bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press) , 2017 , Conference)This article proposes a new expanded take on the definition of commerciality of international arbitration and its ramifications on the applicable law to the merits, the jurisdiction and authority of courts to review and ... -
Is ADR suitable for the resolution of intellectual property disputes?
( Hamad bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press) , 2017 , Conference)Intellectual property (IP) is the branch of law that protects innovations and creations, such as new technological inventions, literary, artistic and musical creations, distinctive signs, computer programs, trade secrets, ... -
Arbitrating natural resource disputes: Current and future trends
( Hamad bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press) , 2017 , Conference)Owing to the precipitous slump in world commodity prices, particularly fossil fuel, investors and other stakeholders have been trying to re-arrange, re-organize and re-position their investments and interests. The question ... -
Absence of the Dissenting Arbitrator’s Signature and its Effect on the Validity of the Arbitration Award
( Hamad bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press) , 2017 , Conference)Refusal to sign the arbitration award is considered as one of the procedural controversies engendered by dissenting minority arbitrators. This happens when the arbitral tribunal is made up of more than one arbitrator. ... -
Corruption, revolution and settlement: An Egyptian story for resolving investment disputes
( Hamad bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press) , 2017 , Conference)In 2011, a series of decisions were rendered by the High Administrative Court at the Egyptian State Council in which the court considered void the privatization of a few public companies which had been transferred to ... -
A comparative examination of the Qatar Financial Center (QFC) consumer dispute resolution scheme
( Hamad bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press) , 2017 , Conference)In 2016, the Qatar Financial Centre (QFC) introduced a Customer Dispute Resolution Scheme (CDRS) in Chapter 8 of the Conduct of Business Rules 2007. The CDRS is an alternative to litigation for QFC participants (retail ...