Theme 3: Geotechnical, Environmental, and Geo-environmental, Engineering
Recent Submissions
Box Jacking/Pushing Method for Tunnel Construction in Rock: Doha Metro, Gold Line Project
( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2020 , Conference)The case of a box pushing tunneling method in rock, on Doha Metro Gold Line project, successfully implemented to connect multiple entrance structures of Sport City station under a live traffic junction, in a heavy urban ... -
Embedded Retaining Wall Design and Performance Monitoring for Deep Excavation in Geological Conditions of Qatar
( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2020 , Conference)Embedded retaining walls such as diaphragm walls and secant bored pile walls have become viable water-tight earth retaining and stabilizing systems for deep excavation in urban areas. In this article, the design aspects ... -
Investigation of the Effect of the Force-Frequency on the Behaviour of a New Viscous Damper for Railway Applications
( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2020 , Conference)The primary purpose of this work is to experimentally investigate the damping coefficient of a viscous damper, intended to be used in railway applications to reduce noise emission. The viscous shock absorber used in this ... -
The Use of Measuring While Drilling and Wireline Logging to Identify the Geological Strata in Qatar
( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2020 , Conference)In the field of engineering and construction in the Middle East, it is a common practice to economize a geotechnical investigation using a conventional scope, based on the lowest price. This tends to compromise the project ... -
Influence of Aspect Ratio on the Bearing Capacity and Correlated Modulus of Subgrade Reaction for Shallow Foundations on Dense Sand
( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2020 , Conference)One of the most fundamental problems in the field of geotechnical engineering is the prediction of bearing capacity and settlement of shallow foundations on cohesion-less soil subjected to vertical central loading. The ... -
Utilizing Steel Slag in the Removal of Suspended Solids from Dewatered Construction Water
( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2020 , Conference)Construction dewatering is an operation used to remove shallow groundwater that infiltrates construction sites. After recovering this water from the construction sites, the water is either discharged to the sea, injected ... -
Predicted and Back-calculated Coefficients of Permeability of Randomly Fractured Rock Mass: A Case Study
( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2020 , Conference)This paper presents the discrepancy between the coefficients of permeability measured for randomly fractured limestone using field falling-head tests and that back-calculated for the same rock mass based on the actual ... -
Influence of Fines on the Compressibility of Surface Sands in Kuwait
( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2020 , Conference)Influence of fines on the strength and compressibility of compacted fill soil is very important in determining its behavior under applied loads. In Kuwait, fill soil is usually backfilled from excavated surface soils ... -
Fully Softened and Residual Shear Strengths of Midra Shale
( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2020 , Conference)This paper presents a comparison of the fully softened shear strengths measured using the triaxial and torsional ring shear devices for a shale that possesses noticeably high plasticity and induration. The residual shear ... -
Use of 3D Images to Evaluate Formation Damage Induced by Montmorillonite Fines in Porous Media Systems
( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2020 , Conference)Formation damage costs oil and gas industry $140 billion/year in lost productivity, this is a key challenge to Qatar, the world's largest LNG exporter. During production from a well, multiphase flow foster drag forces to ... -
Enhancement of Naphthalene Biodegradation by Sulfate Application in Brackish Subsurface Systems
( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2020 , Conference)Anaerobic biodegradation is the most dominant mechanism in the petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated subsurface systems. Due to depletion of terminal electron acceptors such as sulfate, anaerobic degradation of organic ... -
Dynamic Imaging of Hydrate Specific Area Evolution during Xenon Hydrate Formation
( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2020 , Conference)Gas hydrates are ice-like structures formed under high pressure and low temperature conditions. They are considered as a potential energy source due to their abundance and the increase in energy demand worldwide. A fundamental ... -
Resource Recovery from Waste, Water and Wastewaters with Membrane Technologies
( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2020 , Conference)In this study, critical elements (Boron (B) and Rare Earth Elements (REE)) recovery is studied with membrane technologies. Concentrated boron can be recovered by using different technologies. Membrane technologies such as ... -
Influence of Water Table Fluctuation on Natural Source Zone Depletion in Hydrocarbon Contaminated Subsurface Environments
( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2020 , Conference)Most of the prediction theories regarding dissolution of organic contaminants in the subsurface systems have been proposed based on the static water conditions and the influence of water fluctuations on mass removal requires ... -
Hydrogen Gas Production from the Injection of Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron and Sodium Borohydride Solutions: Potential Effects Near Injection Wells
( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2020 , Conference)The injection of nano-scale zero-valent iron (nZVI) is a remediation technique for the treatment of organic and metal contamination in soil and groundwater. The hydrogen gas (H2) produced during the reaction of nZVI and ... -
Geotechnical Aspects of Sub-Sea Tunnelling on the Musaimeer Pumping Station and Outfall Tunnel Project
( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2020 , Conference)Musaimeer outfall tunnel is one of the longest storm water tunnels in the world with a total length of 10.2 km. The tunnel is connected via a drop shaft to the main pump station. This system will accommodate surface and ... -
Impact of Ionic Strength on Colloid Retention in a Porous Media: A Micromodel Study
( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2020 , Conference)Release of deposited colloids in the soil porous media during two-phase flow poses potential health hazard due to the facilitated transport of contaminants towards groundwater reservoirs. Considerable uncertainties exist ... -
Impact of Draw Solution Concentration on Forward Osmosis Process: A Simulation Study
( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2020 , Conference)In this study, a simulation model was used to evaluate the performance of forward osmosis process. A solution of low salinity was used as the feed solution in forward osmosis to dilute saline solution (i.e. draw solution) ... -
Treatment of Wastewater Using Reverse Osmosis for Irrigation Purposes
( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2020 , Conference)This work investigates the performance of reverse osmosis (RO) for the reclamation of treated sewage effluent (TSE) to be used as irrigation water for food crops. The feed water used in this study was a real sample of ... -
Flood Risk Assessment and Protection Guidelines for Infrastructure Planning in Qatar
( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2020 , Conference)This paper presents key features of "Flood Assessment and Protection Guidelines" (FAPG) prepared by the Ministry of Municipality and Environment (MME), Qatar. It is intended that the FAPG will provide guidance and assistance ...