E-government as a tool for improving entrepreneurship
This article addresses the relationship between e-government development and entrepreneurship. The study adopted an inductive approach, where it utilized archival data to test the relationship between the two paradigms. The authors hypothesize that improving e-government initiatives will influence entrepreneurship. Utilizing global data will guard for researcher biases and utilize the huge sample size built in the archival data used. The two data sets included the UN's e-government survey, and the Global Entrepreneurship and Development Institute survey. Results indicated a full support of the relationships assumed between the major dimensions of EGDI and GEI. Regression analysis indicated that Online service Index and telecommunication Infrastructure index are significant predictors of GEI, but failed to support the role of Human Capital Index. The coefficient of determination of the regression equation estimated 69.2% of the variance in GEI. Further tests and research conclusions are stated at the end.
- Accounting & Information Systems [555 items ]