Qatar University Annual Research Forum & Exhibition
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QUARFE 2020 [305 items ]
QUARFE 2021 [204 items ]
Recent Submissions
Optimization Models For Multiple Resource Planning
( Qatar University Press , 2021 , Poster)Multiple resource planning is a very crucial undertaking for most organizations. Apart from reducing operational complexity, multiple resource planning facilitates efficient allocation of resources, which reduces costs by ... -
Investigating the impact of innovative treatments on driving behavior at school bus stops: A driving simulator study
( Qatar University Press , 2021 , Poster)The illegal overtaking/crossing of stopped school buses has been identified as one of the leading causes of students' injuries and fatalities. The likelihood of students in getting involved in a school bus-related crash ... -
Vehicle identification using optimised ALPR.
( Qatar University Press , 2021 , Poster)Vehicles are a common sight on the road. Tracking and monitoring suspicious vehicles for identification due to high similarity in structure and form leads to difficulties in differentiating between them. The unique identity ... -
Development of an Immersive Cultural Game using Mixed Reality
( Qatar University Press , 2021 , Poster)This game aims to preserve and spread cultural practices. It introduces new gaming mechanics, which allows user interaction with virtual game objects using hand gestures. The user's objective is to hunt prey in their natural ... -
Effective Smart Contracts for Supply Chain Contracts
( Qatar University Press , 2021 , Poster)Blockchain is in its way of revolutionizing different sectors with its decentralized peer-to-peer networking. Smart contracts are the piece of software that have written rules to be executed automatically to update the ... -
Blink rate vs Inner self perceived cognitive state while using virtual reality applications with haptic devices.
( Qatar University Press , 2021 , Poster)On average, humans blink between eight and 21 times per minute while resting. Eye actions are influenced by external and internal stimuli. This can be utilized to measure internal cognition specifically focus and attention ... -
Machine Learning Approach to Predict Metro Ridership based on Land Use Densities
( Qatar University Press , 2021 , Poster)Predicting metro ridership is an essential requirement for efficient metro operation and management. The dependence of metro ridership on the land use densities entails a need for an accurate predictive model. To this end, ... -
Performance Analysis of DCT and DWT Algorithms in Image Steganography
( Qatar University Press , 2021 , Poster)Frequency domain techniques such as Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) ensures high accuracy when compared with the spatial domain techniques. Therefore, these image steganographic methods ... -
Factors affecting students' satisfaction with online learning in higher education in Qatar
( Qatar University Press , 2021 , Poster)This effort seeks to explore the major factors that play an essential part in enhancing students 'satisfaction with online learning experience in higher education in Qatar, before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The ... -
Anomaly Detection in Blockchain-enabled Supply Chain: An Ontological Approach
( Qatar University Press , 2021 , Poster)In our proposed work, we propose an anomaly detection framework, for detecting anomalous transactions in business processes from transaction event logs. Such a framework will help enhance the accuracy of anomaly detection ... -
Intelligent edge-based recommender system for internet of energy applications
( Qatar University Press , 2021 , Poster)When investigating how people conserve energy, most researchers and decision-makers render a conceptual distinction between prevention (e.g. unplugging devices) and productivity measures. Nevertheless, such a two-dimensional ... -
The impact of risk identification on IT project delivery in Qatar public sector
( Qatar University Press , 2021 , Poster)Unmanaged project risks can jeopardize the project's success and outcome. To assist project managers in overcoming or reducing the impact of project risk, several risk management models and standards have been established. ... -
The Development of Urban to Support Sport Tourism in Qatar, A Case Study: West Bay North Beach
( Qatar University Press , 2021 , Poster)Sports the travel industry is recognized as movement that includes either watching or taking part in a game while staying outside of the sightseers' typical environmental factors. Major games, like the football, Olympic ... -
مدى تطبيق مبادئ التّعاون بين أُسر ذوي الإعاقة واختصاصي التّربية الخاصة في المدارس التخصصية في دولة قطر
( Qatar University Press , 2021 , Poster)هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى التّعرف على واقع التّعاون بين أسر ذوي الإعاقة واختصاصي التّربية الخاصة في المدارس التخصصية في قطر، وكيف يؤثر تطبيق مبادئ التعاون السبعة في دعم هذا التّعاون والمشاركة الوالدية في المدرسة ومؤسسات المجتمع ... -
فصل النظريات الاسلامية عن المقررات الدراسية وأثرها على الهوية القطرية: دراسة حالة - تخصص سياسات وتخطيط وتنمية في جامعة قطر
( Qatar University Press , 2021 , Poster)استهدفت الدراسة الحالية التعرف على أثر إقصاء النظريات الإسلامية عن المقررات الدراسية لتخصص سياسات وتخطيط وتنمية على الهوية القطرية للطلبة القطريين، واستخدمت الدراسة المنهج الوصفي التحليلي ومقابلات تم تطبيقها على عينة (6) ... -
المشاركة التعاونية بين معلمي التربية الخاصة وأسر طلاب ذوي الإعاقة
( Qatar University Press , 2021 , Poster)هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف على مدى تطبيق المشاركة التعاونية بين معلمي التربية الخاصة وأسر الأطفال من ذوي الإعاقة، من خلال معرفة ترتيب مبادئ التعاون لدى أسر ذوي الإعاقة ومعلمي التربية الخاصة ومن ثم مقارنتها، ومعرفة مدى رضا ... -
Blue-collar workers' travel behavior modeling using exPlainable machine learning model: The case of Qatar
( Qatar University Press , 2021 , Poster)This paper presents a novel study on the examination of explainable machine learning (ML) technique to predict the mode choice for communities with a majority of blue-collared workers. A total of 4875 trip records for 1050 ... -
Configuration and Use in Building Evaluation (CUBE3): Space Syntax Modeling of Layout in the Main Library at Qatar University
( Qatar University Press , 2021 , Poster)The Research and its Purpose: - To conducted a post-occupancy evaluation of the QU Main Library, drawing on fieldwork observations of entries, movement, and room/space use. - This will positively contribute to future ... -
أثر برنامج تدريبي قائم على الاستقصاء وحل المشكلات على الأداء التدريسي لمعلمي العلوم
( Qatar University Press , 2021 , Poster)"هدفت الدراسة الحالية إلى الكشف عن أثر برنامج تدريبي قائم على الاستقصاء وحل المشكلات على الأداء التدريسي لمعلمي العلوم، وقد تناولت الدراسة الحالية عدة مجالات؛ شملت تخطيط وتنفيذ وتقويم الدروس بالإضافة إلى النمو المهني للمعلم ... -
ترجمة القسم الأول من كتاب نظرية دراماتيكا السردية؛ عناصر البنية
( Qatar University Press , 2021 , Poster)"الكتابة حِرفةٌ وصِنعة تتطلّبُ مهارةً وخِبرة. ويُمكن لمهارة الكتابة أن تتولَّدَ لدى المرء بفِعل دراسةٍ أو ممارسة، أو كلا الاثنين معًا، فالكتابة كغيرها من المواهب، على صاحبها أن يُمارِسها ويتعلّم قواعدها وأُسُسَها؛ ليتكمن ...