Now showing items 107-126 of 131

    • The World Cup and Human Rights in Qatar: A Catalyst for Change? 

      Bouandel, Youcef; James, Thomas Bonnie ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2022 , Conference Paper)
      Hosting massive sporting events like the World Cup is a massive accomplishment for a state like Qatar. Regardless of the economic benefits, it forces Qatar to create infrastructure and improve the nation's landscape, but ...
    • To go or not to go: The assessment of the framing of the FIFA World Cup 2022 in the English language press in the UAE 

      Karolac, Magdalena ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2022 , Conference Paper)
      The aim of this paper is to study the framing of one of the most important world sporting events to take place in Qatar at the end of this year. The framing of the World Cup 2022 in the press of the UAE is especially ...
    • To Which Extent is the Educational Sector in the Gulf Countries Contributing to Social Change? 

      Hvidt, Martin ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2020 , Conference Paper)
      The overall theme of this conference is social change. This paper focus on one, however important, factor behind social change in the Gulf countries, namely that of education. Each of the Gulf countries have embarked on a ...
    • Toward a Constructivist Approach to the Gulf Region's Security 

      Yaghi, Mohammad ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2021 , Conference Paper)
      For long decades, the Gulf States have relied on the United States to provide security for their countries, but since the Obama's administration, the U.S. is signaling its intention to withdraw from the MENA region making ...
    • Toward New Architecture for Persian Gulf Order, Necessity of Overlapping the Human Security and State Security 

      Heiran-Nia, Javad ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2021 , Conference Paper)
      The security regimes in the Persian Gulf are mainly based on the realism that emphasizes statism. Accordingly, the security regimes have been trying to ensure the security of the state, and in its reduced form, the security ...
    • Transnationalism and Intersectionality: Views and Experiences of Second-Generation Filipino Youth in UAE Cities 

      HOSODA, Naomi ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2020 , Conference Paper)
      Permanent temporariness experienced by Gulf migrants--especially among middle class professionals and their family members--has received increasing scholarly attention over the last decade. Some migrant scholars further ...
    • Turkey and the GCC region in the aftermath of Al-Ula Summit 

      Aras, Bulent ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2021 , Conference Paper)
      The Al-Ula Summit of January 5, 2021, officially brought the most recent Gulf crisis to an end after almost four years. Saudi Arabia's leadership was crucial in the GCC decision to normalize relations with Qatar. Last-minute ...
    • Volunteers of Oman during the Corona Crisis: An Exploratory Study in the Sociology of Altruism 

      Tabishat, Mohammed ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2020 , Conference Paper)
      Volunteering is a major aspect of contemporary globalized societies. It has long been an indicator for proper functioning of society at large. Further, it made notable difference for individuals, groups and organizations. ...
    • Western resident families in the Gulf: the UAE case study 

      Kamøy, Kristin ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2023 , Conference Paper)
      National families in the Gulf make up a minority of the population but they often come across as a model for how non-Arab resident family's structure their lives in the Gulf. The national Gulf family model is frequently ...
    • Where rhetoric meets reality: an ethnographic analysis of the sports education sector in Qatar 

      McManus, John ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2020 , Conference Paper)
      This paper explores the growing provision of sports education in the state of Qatar. Since 2010, there has been a rapid increase in new courses in sports administration as part of wider, government-backed initiatives to ...
    • Where's the 'Bedouin' in 'Tribe'? Tribal Ruling in Urban Kuwaiti Society 

      Chay, Clemens ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2020 , Conference Paper)
      In the contemporary era, tribalism has been reframed, time and again, as a primitive social form antithetical to modernity, and by extension, to development. Yet, the inverse is often true. In Kuwait, individuals of tribal ...
    • Women's Experiences of Family Law and Family Justice Processes in Qatar - Findings of an Empirical Study 

      Akhtar, Rajnaara ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2023 , Conference Paper)
      This paper will provide an overview of the findings of a DIFI funded study, titled An Empirical Study of Women's Marriage and Divorce Experiences in Qatar, in which 40 women participants were engaged in semi-structured ...
    • World Cup In Qatar As A Sport Diplomacy Instrument 

      Ozel, Meltem ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2022 , Conference Paper)
      Qatar has flourishing national image, particularly after its 37atalyst role in the Arab Spring and its conspicuous achievements in the field of infrastructure, media, technology, energy, diplomacy and public diplomacy. ...
    • Yemen, the wound that still bleeds in the Middle East 

      Foyth, Joel ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2020 , Conference Paper)
      In 2011 Yemen began a process of profound political-social changes. At that time, various actors of the multiform civil society mobilized, achieving the removal of their president, who for more than thirty years had governed ...
    • Young Arab Families in the UAE: Renegotiating Gender Roles and Expectations in Marriage 

      Cosmano, Ivana ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2023 , Conference Paper)
      This paper explores the shifting dynamics of family life among newly married Jordanian couples residing in the United Arab Emirates. It employs interdisciplinary modes of analysis, including sociology, gender and masculinity ...
    • Youth as Barometer of Socio-cultural Change in Iran 

      Tajmazinani, Ali Akbar ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2020 , Conference Paper)
      Young people are regarded as agents of socio-cultural change as well as being subject to structural forces. These dynamics of interaction between agency and structure forms the outcomes of social change in any society. Due ...
    • الأسر التي تعیش من ذوي الإعاقة في قطر 

      الكوھجي, فیصل محمد; Alkooheji, Faisal Mohamed ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2023 , Conference Paper)
      تعد الأسرة نواة لأي مجتمع، فإن تطور أي مجتمع مرتبط بمدى تطور الخدمات الاجتماعیة المقدمة للأسرة، وقد تحتاج الأسر التي یوجد لدیھا أفرد من ذوي الإعاقة إلى عنایة خاصة. خلال الحدیث المقدم سیتم التعریف بالخدمات والامتیازات التي ...
    • الأسرة القطریة بین النواة والامتداد: مقاربة مفاھیمیة جدیدة 

      المري, عبد الرحمن ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2023 , Conference Paper)
      تضطلع ھذه الورقة بمھمة البحث في طبائع الأسرة القطریة في ضوء التحولات الاجتماعیة والاقتصادیة - الطارئة على الفضاء القطري منذ توقیع معاھدة الحمایة بین حاكم قطر عبدلله بن جاسم ال ثاني وبریطانیا مایو ۱۹۳٥ وستوضّح لمَ اخُتیرَ ...
    • التحدیات التي تواجه الاسرة العمانیة في ظل استخدام شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي 

      العاني, مھا عبد المجید; الكحالي, ماجد بن ناصر بن سعید ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2023 , Conference Paper)
      ان التحولات التي یشھدھا عالمنا الیوم وما یمر بھ من متغیرات كثیرة قد شملت كل مجالات الحیاة ومارافقھ من تطور وتقدم تكنولوجي ادى الى تغییر كبیر في مجالات الحیاة وخاصة التغییر الكبیر الذي شھدتھ الحیاة الاجتماعیة للأسرة ...
    • العوامل (الاقتصادیة – الاجتماعیة) المؤثرة في تغیر التركیب الأسري في المجتمع العمُاني : دراسة استشرافیة 

      الحمداني, مبارك بن خمیس ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2023 , Conference Paper)
      تشھد الدولة في عُمان تغیرًا ھیكلیاً في السیاسات الاقتصادیة – الاجتماعیة تفرضھ الظروف واعتبارات النمو الاقتصادي والاستدامة المالیة – كما ھو الحال في الدولة الخلیجیة -، بالانتقال من السیاسات القائمة على الرعائیة (بالمطلق) ...