Now showing items 101-120 of 131

    • Analysis of the Women's Status in the Process of Iran's Socio-political Development in Last Forty Years 

      Mousanejad, Maliheh ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2020 , Conference Paper)
      Women's participation in political and social development is the one of the most important indicators in the process of sustainable development of societies. The present study examines the status of women's participation ...
    • Expressing Identity through the Dressed Body: Iranian Migrants in the Gulf 

      GOTO, Manami ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2020 , Conference Paper)
      Historically, communities have always travelled, traded, and intermarried across the Persian Gulf, resulting in the formation of transnational societies and material cultures. This paper focuses on migrants of Iranian ...
    • Migration and Social Change in the Gulf: A Comparative Study in the Six Gulf States 

      Rahman, Anisur ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2020 , Conference Paper)
      Migration and flow of people across the world is rapidly growing today. It was estimated that there were about 272 million migrants globally in 2019 which roughly constitutes of 3.2% of the world population. The Gulf ...
    • Comments on Transnational Generations 

      YAMAMOTO, Sumiko; D'SOUZA, Rohan ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2020 , Conference Paper)
    • Motives for Choosing to Study in International Branch Campuses in Qatar: Focusing on Nationalities in "National-minority States" 

      NAKAJIMA, Yusuke ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2020 , Conference Paper)
      This paper clarifies the motives of students to study in International Branch Campuses (IBCs) in Qatar. In Qatar, a lot of IBCs have been established in Education City, for example, Georgetown University, Carnegie Mellon ...
    • GCC and Political Divide: An Analysis of Potentials and Risks 

      Moniruzzaman, M. ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2020 , Conference Paper)
      The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) since its establishment in 1981 has made tremendous achievements over the past forty years in economic, social, military, scientific and educational sectors which made the body to think ...
    • Emerging Transnational Identities: Indian Skilled Migration in the UAE 

      Bortolazzi, Omar ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2020 , Conference Paper)
      India has been the source of the largest annual outflows to the GCC countries. The increasing significance of GCC countries as a destination for migrant workers is illustrated by the change in total migrant stock in those ...
    • The Dilemma of Being Gulf-born NRIs: An Analysis of Cases in Kuwait 

      MATSUKAWA, Kyoko ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2020 , Conference Paper)
      This paper attempts to elucidate the dilemma of being Gulf-born NRIs (Non-Resident Indians), focusing especially on cases in Kuwait. As the Arab Gulf States (AGS) rarely offer citizenship to expatriate residents, the ...
    • Yemen, the wound that still bleeds in the Middle East 

      Foyth, Joel ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2020 , Conference Paper)
      In 2011 Yemen began a process of profound political-social changes. At that time, various actors of the multiform civil society mobilized, achieving the removal of their president, who for more than thirty years had governed ...
    • Reverse Orientalism? French Salafis' Fascination with Saudi Arabia 

      Adraoui, Mohamed Ali ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2020 , Conference Paper)
      Recently, French Muslims have been seen by several media outlets and politicians to be increasingly influenced by some of the understandings of Islam generated in Saudi Arabia. While some connections do undoubtedly ...
    • Youth as Barometer of Socio-cultural Change in Iran 

      Tajmazinani, Ali Akbar ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2020 , Conference Paper)
      Young people are regarded as agents of socio-cultural change as well as being subject to structural forces. These dynamics of interaction between agency and structure forms the outcomes of social change in any society. Due ...
    • Transnationalism and Intersectionality: Views and Experiences of Second-Generation Filipino Youth in UAE Cities 

      HOSODA, Naomi ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2020 , Conference Paper)
      Permanent temporariness experienced by Gulf migrants--especially among middle class professionals and their family members--has received increasing scholarly attention over the last decade. Some migrant scholars further ...
    • Chai Karak: The Politics of Tea and its Impact on the Status of South Asians in the United Arab Emirates 

      Moaswes, Abdulla ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2020 , Conference Paper)
      Chai karak is a popular tea beverage in in the UAE and the other Arab Gulf states that is widely consumed across class and ethnic lines, particularly among wealthy UAE citizens and the poorer South Asian manual labourers ...
    • Privileged but Immobile: Citizenship and Career Path of the Youths of Bicultural Families in Kuwait 

      WATANABE, Akiko ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2020 , Conference Paper)
      This paper aims to depict privilegedness yet immobilities of the youths of bicultural families on their citizenship and career path, particularly on the second generations who have roots of Filipino traits on one side and ...
    • The Qatari Identity: Crisis, Change and Transition 

      Al-Shamlan, Maryam Tariq Marzooq ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2020 , Conference Paper)
      The paper presents a set of qualitative and quantitative data (including interviews with policy instigators, academics and social/cultural influencers of different age ranges, backgrounds and professions, as well as an ...
    • Beh Tou Cheh? (What's It to You?): Feminist Challenges in Iranian Social Media 

      Batmanghelichi, Kristin Soraya ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2020 , Conference Paper)
      Online feminist activism has opened a different path for ordinary Iranians who are not necessarily versed in post-revolutionary discourses on feminism and political activism nor are conversant with the names and past ...
    • The Problem of Marginal People and Its Governance in GCC Countries 

      Jie, Chen ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2020 , Conference Paper)
      The emergence of marginal people is the result of globalization. The process of globalization makes population flow an irresistible trend, and the relatively developed countries have a strong attraction to the population ...
    • Migrant Workers Impact on Social life of the Gulf Countries During COVID 19 

      Parveen, Tabassum ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2020 , Conference Paper)
      Six GCC countries are the home of the global migrant workers. As at present estimated that about 56 million population of collectively of GCC among 30 million populations are not nationals.Huge migrants population and ...
    • Where's the 'Bedouin' in 'Tribe'? Tribal Ruling in Urban Kuwaiti Society 

      Chay, Clemens ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2020 , Conference Paper)
      In the contemporary era, tribalism has been reframed, time and again, as a primitive social form antithetical to modernity, and by extension, to development. Yet, the inverse is often true. In Kuwait, individuals of tribal ...
    • The Gulf as a Global Contact Zone: Chronotopic identities and (linguistic) landscapes 

      Lombezzi, Letizia ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2020 , Conference Paper)
      Migration, transformation, and urbanization emerge as the key- factors that brought changes in the Gulf area. Social change as changes in social interaction involve differently different segments of population, according ...