English Literature & Linguistics
Recent Submissions
Othering the expat majority: Qatari junior academics’ identity work at the interface of migration and institutional reform
( Taylor and Francis Group , 2023 , Article)Qatar’s development is intertwined with migration, resulting in the native population forming a minority. Zooming in on the academic world, which is in the midst of reform processes, we investigate the impact of the expat ... -
Beyond dichotomies: a female Qatari’s negotiation of gender and professional identity
( Equinox Publishing Ltd , 2022 , Article)Most research on gender in the Middle Eastern workplace treats gender identities in relation to the polarity of ‘tradition’ and ‘modernity’. Although some of these studies take a critical perspective, they largely ignore ... -
Macro-Structural Change in Relation to Micro-Discursive Storytelling: Qatari Nationality as a Resource for the Construction of Professional Identity
( international network Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines , 2023 , Article)Combining insights from the sociology of education and from discourse-based work on identities within contexts of organizational change, we aim to tease out how top- down structural changes can be related to micro-discursive ... -
“Why not the thoub and the abaya?” An interactional sociolinguistic approach to the interplay between nationality, gender, and professional identity in the Qatari academic workplace
( Edinburgh University Press , 2024 , Article)Although identity is recognized as an important topic in Arabic sociolinguistics, little attention has been paid to how major structural changes impact different forms of identity, especially in professional and workplace ... -
Perceptions and attitudes of Qatar University students regarding the utility of arabic and english in communication and education in Qatar
( Springer Science and Business Media B.V. , 2022 , Article)This study investigates the linguistic attitudes and perceptions of Qatar University students regarding the utility and vitality of the two languages that define the education and communication scenes in Qatar, namely, ... -
Muslim personal names in Urdu: Structure, meaning, and change
( De Gruyter , 2023 , Article)Based on an analysis of a corpus, in this study we examine: (a) the linguistic structure of Muslim personal names, (b) their etymological sources, and (c) some changing patterns among the younger generation. Firstly, we ... -
Graphic politics in Eastern India: Script and the quest for autonomy - Nishaant Choksi (2021)
( Equinox Publishing , 2023 , Book Review)Although linguists and other social scientists proudly assert that India is a land of linguistic diversity and richness, there aren’t many empirical studies showing how this linguistics diversity is socially and culturally ... -
L’enseignement de la grammaire dans la classe du FLE
( The University of Jordan , 2021 , Article)Cette étude entend mettre en relief l'importance de l'enseignement de la grammaire dans la classe de français langue étrangère et discuter de la place réservée à la grammaire dans les différents courants méthodologiques. ... -
Le Développement de la Compétence de Lecture-Compréhension des Textes Narratifs en Classe de FLE
( Yarmouk University , 2023 , Article)L’objectif de cette étude est de proposer des stratégies en vue du développement des compétences de lecture-compréhension des textes narratifs chez les apprenants arabophones en classe de français langue étrangère (FLE). ... -
Laryngeal realism and the voicing contrast in Khuzestani Arabic stops
( Cambridge University Press , 2023 , Article)In laryngeal realism (LR), laryngeal specification of stops is explained by direct maps of cues (e.g. VOT) onto privative phonological laryngeal features [voice] or [spread glottis]. Phonetic realization of the segments ... -
Les représentations de la langue/culture française chez les étudiantes qatariennes inscrites en mineure de français à l’Université du Qatar
( Slovenska Vzdelavacia a Obstaravacia s.r.o , 2021 , Article)Cette recherche s’intéresse aux représentations que se font les étudiantes qatariennes, inscrites en mineure de français à l’université du Qatar, de la langue/culture française. Son objectif est d’analyser ces représentations ... -
The vowel system of Qatari Arabic: Evidence for peripheral/non-peripheral distinction between long and short vowels
( Cambridge University Press , 2023 , Article)Arabic has a vowel system with three long and three short monophthongs. One of the parameters that accounts for qualitative differences between long and short vowels across languages is tenseness/laxness of vowels located ... -
Generational Changes in VOT in Qatari Arabic
( John Benjamins Publishing Company , 2023 , Book chapter)The current study investigates variation in production of VOT in voiceless stops in Qatari Arabic. In line with Labov’s Cascade model, longer VOT in this dialect might be viewed as a new variable developing in the metropolitan ... -
Processing passive constructions in arabic and english a crosslanguage priming study
( Georgetown University Press , 2019 , Article)The English and Arabic languages each have passive constructions, but their realizations in the two languages are quite different. We carried out a syntactic priming experiment on Arabic-English bilinguals to investigate ... -
A brief self-rating scale for the assessment of individual differences in gesture perception and production
( Elsevier , 2015 , Article)Gesture production and perception have a strong impact on speech perception and social-communicative functioning. Consequently, we created the 'Brief Assessment of Gesture' (BAG) tool, a set of 12 subjective statements ... -
The neural basis of idea density during natural spoken language
( Springer International Publishing , 2020 , Book chapter)Idea density (ID) evolved as a quantification of propositional base structure. Besides its function as a measure of linguistic complexity, ID has also been used as an index of general linguistic ability. In order to find ... -
Models of speech processing
( Taylor and Francis , 2015 , Book chapter)One of the fundamental questions about language is how listeners map the acoustic signal onto syllables, words, and sentences, resulting in understanding of speech. For normal listeners, this mapping is so effortless that ... -
A social-ecological perspective for emerging cities: The case of Corniche promenade, “urban majlis” of Doha
( EnPress Publisher, LLC , 2022 , Article)In the past decade, the capital city of Doha of the State of Qatar has experienced rapid urban expansion and other changes due to globalization, which has caused (i) the loss of a compact urban pattern, (ii) landscape ... -
Sustainable Status Assessment of the Transit-Oriented Development in Doha’s Education City
( MDPI , 2023 , Article)Doha, the capital of the State of Qatar, has seen rapid growth in recent years, resulting in challenges that can be addressed through sustainable urban design strategies. Such approaches, including Transit-Oriented ... -
Transit‐Oriented Development and Livability: The Case of the Najma and Al Mansoura Neighborhoods in Doha, Qatar
( Cogitatio Press , 2022 , Article)Since the 1970s, Qatar’s rapid urban growth has resulted in a segregated and poorly connected urban form, particularly in the country’s capital, Doha. Although the recent opening of the Doha Metro has begun to mitigate ...