Recent Submissions

  • Towards an Artificial Architecture: About Superintelligent Space 

    Morel, Philip ( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2021 , Conference)
    In the essay The Doctors of Tomorrow Will Be Supercomputers, published online at, Leary (2017) says doctors will be replaced by artificial intelligence-fed supercomputers. This is in line with many theorists ...
  • Crossing the Rubicon: Tevere Cavo, an Urban Project for Rome 

    Saggio, Antonino ( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2021 , Conference)
    We believe that the new frontiers of Information Technology have to deal with the central role of Infrastructures in the existing city. Indeed, this new generation of infrastructures will allow the 'redirection' of the ...
  • Reconstructing identities and the idea of Global Regionalism 

    Mangera, Ali ( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2021 , Conference)
    We live in a time of great anxiety and change; a time of shifting allegiances where the certainties upon which we have relied have simply vanished. Our once familiar political landscape is in flux; pandemics, civil rights, ...
  • Where Are We Now? 

    Oosterhuis, Kas ( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2021 , Conference)
    After 16 years of leading the Hyperbody research group as professor of practice at the TU Delft, I wanted to do something completely different and looked at the Gulf region for further educational and professional activities. ...
  • Medinas: From Vernacular to Smart Sustainable Cities and Buildings 

    Fadli, Fodil ( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2021 , Conference)
    Cities are the most prominent agile and resilient complex systems that evolved over time and space. Many of them survived for centuries, some for more than two millennia, like the Medinas of the MENA region, and they are ...
  • Al Thumama Stadium: Local and Global Architectural Reach 

    Hawamdeh, Hani Awni ( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2021 , Conference)
    The world cup stadia have been a constant concern for the hosting countries. Many of them have become a burden on the economies of their countries, only to become white elephants after the tournaments end. Therefore, the ...
  • Digital Master Builders: Disruptive construction technologies 

    Block, Philippe ( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2021 , Conference)
    The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs estimates that by 2050 the world's population will have increased by over 2.1 billion people (UN DESA, 2019). Providing housing and infrastructure for them would ...
  • LIQUID CITIES, a city designed by citizens 

    Boxmeer, Rolf van; Peters, Tessa ( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2021 , Conference)
    Rezone wants to make the concept of the city more liquid.. A city where things can change, a flexible city that adapts to the desires of its inhabitants. A city designed by professionals, but also by its citizens. A city ...
  • Cumulative, Collaborative, Disruptive ; Architectural geometry in research, practice, and its imminent mainstream future 

    Bhooshan, Vishu; Bhooshan, Shajay ( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2021 , Conference)
    Solutions to the significant social, ecological and economic opportunities and problems of 21st century architecture and urbanism involve a vast number of variables. These solutions will require the use of data-driven ...
  • The Extreme Structures of our Universe 

    Icke, Vincent ( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2021 , Conference)
    My story is a tale of extremes. Extreme artificial structures that we have built on and around planet Earth. Extreme natural structures that exist in our Universe, and extreme structures in our mind, when we try to understand ...