Now showing items 1-10 of 178
PalArch's Journals
, 2021 , Article)
This study touches upon the aesthetics value as a pedagogical procedure in educational institutions. It also refers to the original Islamic educational theory considering the factors forming the modernized man, using ...
Choice and Expenditure: A Double Hurdle Model of Private Tutoring in Qatar
Qatar University Press
, 2020 , Poster)
To shed light on the demand for private tutoring, this paper presents new evidence for the case of Qatar. The household demand for private tutoring is estimated using the double hurdle model using a sample of 1226 participants ...
Child Disciplinary Practices in Relation to Household Head Education and Beliefs in Five Middle East and North African Countries: Cross Sectional Study-Further Analysis of Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey Data
Qatar University Press
, 2020 , Poster)
Introduction: Internationally, eight out of ten children are exposed to violent discipline by their caregivers. To reduce the prevalence of violent discipline against children, we should understand the social and economic ...
Pharmacy Practice in Nigeria
Elsevier Inc.
, 2016 , Book chapter)
Pharmacy practice and education in general-as well as the availability, affordability, and accessibility of quality, safe, and effective essential medicines-are critical to the success of a health care delivery system. ...
Assessment of an intensive education program on the treatment of tobacco-use disorder for pharmacists using OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination)
Qatar University Press
, 2020 , Poster)
Introduction: Tobacco use is one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality in Qatar. The aim of this randomized controlled trial (RCT) is to design, implement, and evaluate an intensive education program on tobacco-use ...
Communicating medication risk to cardiovascular patients in Qatar
Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
, 2018 , Article)
Purpose: Patient safety is gaining prominence in health professional curricula. Patient safety must be complemented by teaching and skill development in practice settings. The purpose of this paper is to explore how ...
Geriatric education in schools of pharmacy: Students' and educators' perspectives in Qatar and Canada
Elsevier Inc.
, 2018 , Article)
Introduction: Older adults constitute the largest population admitted to hospitals due to chronic diseases, which requires appropriate prescribing of medications and comprehensive pharmaceutical care. The views and ...
Pharmacists providing prescribing advice and education to healthcare professionals in community, primary care and outpatient settings (Protocol)
, 2020 , Article)
This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (intervention). The objectives are as follows:
Main objective
To assess the eHect of pharmacists’ prescribing advice, compared to usual care or other forms of ...
A Senior Project-Based Multiphase Motor Drive System Development
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
, 2016 , Article)
Adjustable-speed drives based on multiphase motors are of significant interest for safety-critical applications that necessitate wide fault-tolerant capabilities and high system reliability. Although multiphase machines ...
Introducing problem-based learning into a Canadian-accredited Middle Eastern educational setting
Elsevier Inc.
, 2017 , Article)
Background and purpose Adaption of active learning strategies into new cultures and contexts requires careful consideration to maximize effectiveness and meet intended objectives. The aim of this paper was to describe the ...