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AuthorMistry, Sajib
AuthorBouguettaya, Athman
AuthorDong, Hai
AuthorErradi, Abdelkarim
Available date2021-09-05T05:40:12Z
Publication Date2016
Publication NameLecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
AbstractWe propose a new qualitative economic model based optimization approach to compose an optimal set of infrastructure service requests over a long-term period. The economic model is represented as a temporal CP-Net to capture the provider's dynamic business strategies in qualitative service provisions. The multidimensional qualitative preferences are indexed in a k-d tree to compute the preference ranking of a set of incoming requests. We propose a heuristic based sequential optimization process to select the most preferred composition without the knowledge of historical request patterns. Experimental results prove the feasibility of the proposed approach. Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016.
PublisherSpringer Verlag
Quality of service
Dynamic business
Economic modeling
Infrastructure services
Long-term period
Optimal sets
Preference ranking
Sequential optimization
Service provisions
Distributed computer systems
TitleQualitative economic model for long-term IaaS composition
Volume Number9936 LNCS
dc.accessType Abstract Only

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