Engineering Journal of Qatar University - [From 1988 TO 2005]: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 221
Flow and Fracture Behaviour of Tungsten Fiber Reinforced Superalloy Composites-Effect Of Specimen Geometry
( Qatar University , 1989 , Article)The influence of aspect ratio (i.e. width to height ratio) of test specimens on the flow and fracture behaviour of fiber reinforced composites is herein examined. The composite material was prepared by isostatic pressing ... -
Determination Of Rheological Properties Of Polymer Solutions In Sandpacks
( Qatar University , 1992 , Article)There is a correlation between mobility ratio and oil recovery by water displacement in homogeneous and heterogeneous reservoirs. Because of this correlation, it is essential to develop a mobility control process which ... -
Cone Penetration Testing For Field Density Prediction
( Qatar University , 1993 , Article)This paper summarizes an experimental program for developing a pilot procedure to check and predict field densities of compacted soils using static cone penetration tests. Three sandy soils were tested. The testing program ... -
High Frequency Characteristics Of Ferrite Materials And Applications To Microstrip Circuits
( Qatar University , 1999 , Article)Dispersion behavior of the parameters of microstrip lines printed on ferrite substrate is presented. The characteristic impedance for lines on magnetized ferrite substrates are obtained for partially magnetized substrates ... -
Experimental And Modeling Of Friables And Stone Oil Reservoirs Consolidation Using Steel Making Slag
( Qatar University , 2001 , Article)A mathematical model was developed simulating the process of sand production in under downhole stress state. The model was derived based on Mohr-Colomb failure criterion, Darcy equation for radial flow and reservoir stress ... -
Effect Of Aspect Ratio On Torsional Capacity Of High-Strength Plain Concrete Deep Beams
( Qatar University , 1993 , Article)Twenty high-strength plain concrete deep beams were tested under torsion. The variables were concrete strength and depth/width (aspect) ratio. Concrete strengths of 51.01, 58.53, 76.60 and 83.66 MPa and depth/width (aspect) ... -
Unrelated Machines Scheduling With Machine Eligibility Restrictions
( Qatar University , 2002 , Article)In this paper we present a new heuristic algorithm to minimize the makespan for scheduling jobs on unrelated parallel machines with machine eligibility restrictions ( R^ I M .1 C^^). To the best of our knowledge, the ... -
Structural Design Of Arch Profile And Depth — A Computer-Aided Study
( Qatar University , 1991 , Article)This paper presents a comparative study of some of the best known and widely used arch profiles, in an endeavour to investigating their structural performance and to determining optimum arch form and depth. Arch profiles ... -
Application Of Artificial Neural Networks To Predict Wettability And Relative Permeability Of Sandstone Rocks
( Qatar University , 1996 , Article)An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model based on the back-propagation technique is trained with a number of variables from experimentally established relative permeability curves. The reservoir core input data covers an ... -
Optimizing Use Of Marshall Asphalt Mix Design
( Qatar University , 1997 , Article)Rutting has been a problem in Qatar's highway pavements since it began designing asphalt mixtures with the Marshall Method in the early 1990's. This paper describes specifications and rules-of-thumb which have been ... -
Optical Matching For Microwave Active Devices
( Qatar University , 1997 , Article)This paper describes a microstrip optically controlled matching technique between microwave active devices with low impedance (less than 10 ohms) and a conventional 50 or 70 ohm communication system in the upper microwave ... -
Repetitive Control Based Pwm Inverter Dead-Time Compensation For Ac Servo Drive
( Qatar University , 2002 , Article)AC servomotor speed or current controller based on PI control and/or optimal control, can not eliminate the cyclical fluctuations of speed or current when subject to periodic disturbances. However, repetitive control ... -
Accelerating The Convergence Of Cubic Interpolation Method Using Concurrent Algorithm Based On The Transputer Technology
( Qatar University , 1992 , Article)This paper describes a concurrent method to speed up the convergence of the QIOM (Cubic Interpolation Optimization Method) to obtain the global minima for any nonlinear continuous function. The QIOM is a naturally slow, ... -
Computation Of Normal Depth In Open Channels
( Qatar University , 1998 , Article)Fixed-point iteration is an efficient technique for manual and machine calculation of normal depth. The method is applied to the solution of Manning's equation for two basic uniform flow problems in trapezoidal and circular ... -
Design of Smoke Generator for Flow Visualisation
( Qatar University , 1988 , Article)Described in this paper is an alternative method for smoke generation for flow visualisation in low speed (subsonic) wind tunnel work. This method makes use of the smoke generating characteristics of Ammonia and Sulphur ... -
Analysis of A Screen Type Solar Air Collector Without Transparent Cover
( Qatar University , 1989 , Article)The performance of a screen type solar air collector of different uniform mesh sizes and without a glass cover is investigated theoretically. Formulation of simultaneous radiation and convection heat transfer for a semi-steady ... -
A Model Reference Adaptive Control Scheme with External Controllers
( Qatar University , 1989 , Article)A new model reference adaptive control scheme, suitable for linear multivariable discrete time systems, is proposed. A set of parameter adaptation algorithms are developed based on the validity of perfect matching between ... -
Designing Air Intake Ducts for High Speed Flight
( Qatar University , 1988 , Article)A proven duct flow model is used to examine the influence of the intake duct geometric and inlet flow parameters on the pressure recovery performance of intake ducts for high speed flight. The geometric parameters include: ... -
Recognition Of Cursive Texts Using Hamming Neural Nets
( Qatar University , 1994 , Article)Hamming Neural networks are employed for cursive text character separation and recognition. The digitized image of the scanned text is first enhanced by applying simple contrast stretching algorithm. Image registration is ... -
Study of the influence of xylene-based chemical Additive on crude oil flow properties and Paraffin deposition inhibition
( Qatar University , 2005 , Article)Paraffin related problem appears through out the production process of nearly all kinds of crude oils all over the world. It also appears in the dewatering process and the long distance crude oil transportation. In Nigeria, ...