Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Some Aspects Of The Autecology Of Panicum Turgidum Forsk
Qatar University
, 1983 , Article)
The germination of Panicum turgidum seeds was tested under different conditions. They showed ability to germinate under a range of temperatures from 25-42°C. The maximum percentage of germination was 45%, at 30°C. The ...
Studies in bidirectional movement in vicia faba l.
Qatar University
, 1984 , Article)
Surgery was used to investigate bidirectional movement in a single vascular bundle of Vicia faba L. In one experiment it was found that radiocarbon had moved upwards and downwards via one isolated bundle when leaf one and ...
Apical dominance in vicia faba l.
Qatar University
, 1983 , Article)
A side-effect of plant surgery was an interference with apical dominance. From the results of three experiments involving plant surgery, decapitation and the usage of "C-IAA, it appeared that the movement of the apically ...
Studies on the biology of eucalyptus micro theca f. Muell in the gezira, sudan i. The behaviour of the seed
Qatar University
, 1986 , Article)
Eucalyptus microtheca has proved to be a success on the heavy clay soils of the Gezira. This tree species not only seeds regularly and prolifically during the summer, but also, though rarely, seeds during the winter. The ...
A comparative study of the effects of clumping, substrate, light, depth of burial and soil moisture upon the germination of seeds of weeds and crops grown in the sudan gezira.
Qatar University
, 1985 , Article)
The influence of the number of seeds per clump upon germination of oryza sativa L., Gossypium hirsutum L., Brachiaria eruciformis (Sm.) Griseb, Dinbera retroflexa (Vahl) Panz. and Echinochloa colonum (L.) Link was investigated ...
Irrigation, Planting Date And Intra-Row Spacing Effects On Soybean Grown Under Dry Farming Systems
Qatar University
, 1987 , Article)
Two soybean cultivars (Glycine maxima (L) Merr.) differing in maturity period, leaf size and stem height were sown five times at fortnight intervals during the rainy season at four intra—row spacings under supplementary ...