Now showing items 1-20 of 770

    • Hydrography Of The Western Part Of The Arabian Gulf 

      Hassan, H. M. [حسن مصطفى حسن]; Mahmoud, M. A. ( Qatar University , 1986 , Article)
      The hydrographic conditions in the western part of the Gulf, from Kuwait to UAE, were studied. Water temperature, salinity, sigma T and water masses were determined for two cruises. The first cruise was carried out from ...
    • Plant phenology and its relation to the cool semi-arid condition of Sana'a 

      Abul Fatih, H. A.; Al-Ani, M.; أبو الفتح, حسين علي; العاني, مازن ( Qatar University , 1997 , Article)
      In the cool semi-arid highland areas of Sana'a a plant phenological study of forty two species revealed that there was one major outburst of plant emergence corresponding with the first period of the heavy rainfall which ...
    • Halophytes and Soil Salinity in Qatar 

      Abul Fatih, H. A.; Abdel Bari, E. M.; Alsubaey, A.; Ibrahim, Y. M.; أبوالفتح, حسين علي; عبد الباري, اخلاص محمد; السبيعي, عائشة عبد الله; إبراهيم, ياس محمد... more authors ( Qatar University , 2002 , Article)
      Saline soils cover approximately 6% of the land in Qatar. Halophytes are common along the coastal areas and inland salt flats and wetlands, where saline water is available in their natural habitats permanently or periodically. ...
    • Geomorphology of the Nagada Region Upper Egypt 

      Yehia, M. A. [محمد عادل يحيى] ( Qatar University , 1982 , Article)
      Detailed geomorphological study of the Nagada region, west of-the Nile enables us to better understand the main landfonns in this part of Upper Egypt. Six geomorphic features are recognized including: the Thebaid plateau; ...
    • Bionomics of the Shrimp Fishery in the Inshore Waters of Qatar 

      Sivasubramaniam, K. [ك. سيفاسبرامانيام]; Ibrahim, Mohamed Amin ( Qatar University , 1982 , Article)
      The shrimp fishery in Qatar is carried out by artisanal crafts, operating from Doha and Al Khor on the East coast. The fishing is restricted to the 2-6 Fm depth range and Penaeus semisulcatus forms about 95 % of the shrimp ...
    • A Two-Point Boundary Value Problem for a Second Order Differential Equation with Parameter 

      Goma, I. A.; .جمعه, أ. أ ( Qatar University , 1982 , Article)
    • Effect of some Vegetable Plant Hosts on the Biological Responses of Brevicoryne Brassicae (L) and Aphis Gossypii (Glover). 

      Eissa, I. S. [ابراهيم سليمان عيسى] ( Qatar University , 1982 , Article)
      The influences of these different vegetable plant hosts on the biological response of Brevicoryne brassicae (L) and Aphis gossypii (Glover) were studied. The results obtained for B. brassicae (L) indicated that the lowest ...
    • Congenital Anomalies in Down Syndrome Among Qatari Population 

      Al Ali, Kalid; Afifi, Nahla M.; Habboub, Lina; Al Fadel, Maiada; العلي, خالد; عفيفي, نهلة; حبوب, لينا; الفاضل, ميادة... more authors ( Qatar University , 2006 , Article)
      Down Syndrome (DS) is the major cause of mental retardation and congenital heart disease affecting the welfare of over 300,000 individuals and their families in USA. The aim of the study is to see which are the most common ...
    • Demersal Fish Resources Around Qatar 

      Sivasubramaniam, K. [ك. سيفاسبرامانيام]; Ibrahim, Mohamed Amin ( Qatar University , 1982 , Article)
      The study was based on the data available from Fishery Resources Survey in the Gulf and Gulf of Oman, conducted by F.A.O., between 1975 and 1979 and the samplings of the fish production in Qatar during 1980/81. The survey ...
    • Diversity, Habitats and Seasonal Distribution of Fish in Three Protectorates of Southern Sinai on the Red Sea, Egypt 

      El Dawi, El Sayed Fikri Ali [السيد فكري علي ضوي] ( Qatar University , 2000 , Article)
      The present investigation is an attempt to study the diversity, habitats and seasonal distribution offish of inshore water at thirteen sites of the three Protectorates (Ras Muhammed, Nabq and Abou Galoum) of Southern Sinai ...
    • What is Graph Theory? 

      Al Wahabi, Kais A. [قيس الوهابي] ( Qatar University , 1982 , Article)
    • Studies on Soil Cements: 1 - Role of Hydrated Lime and Dolomitic Monohydrate in Montmorillonite Stabilization 

      Abo El Enein, A.; Abdel-Moez, M.S.; Mikhail, R. Sh.; Hekal, E.E.; أبو العينين, صلاح عبد الغني; عبد المعز, محمد سمير; ميخائيل, رؤوف شاكر; هيكل, عيسى السيد... more authors ( Qatar University , 1982 , Article)
      Montmorillonite clay was stabilized by either hydrated lime or the dolomitic monohydrate (Ca(OH)2. MgO) during suspension hydration at 25 and 60°C for 45 days. The distinct phases produced from the hydration of each ...
    • Irrigation, Planting Date And Intra-Row Spacing Effects On Soybean Grown Under Dry Farming Systems 

      Ismail, A. M. A. [احمد محمد علي اسماعيل]; Khalifa, F. M. ( Qatar University , 1987 , Article)
      Two soybean cultivars (Glycine maxima (L) Merr.) differing in maturity period, leaf size and stem height were sown five times at fortnight intervals during the rainy season at four intra—row spacings under supplementary ...
    • Petrographic Studies of the Alamein Dolomite (Lower Cretaceous) in El-Razzak Oil Field, Western Desert, Egypt 

      El Din, M. Y. Z. [محمود يسري زين الدين]; Abul-Fetouh, M. A.; Sadek, R. ( Qatar University , 1982 , Article)
      The origin and environment of deposition of the Alamein Dolomite in the El-Razzak Oil Field have been investigated by means of petrographic, chemical and X-ray analysis. The studied rocks are composed of dolomite with ...
    • Generalized Airy's- and taylor Integral Functions 

      Gabr, M. K [محمد كامل جبر]; Shalem, Sh. ( Qatar University , 1982 , Article)
      In this paper a generalized form of Airy's function has been estimated and an asymptotic expansion for one of its types is obtained. Furthermore, an improved formula could be induced to acquire the asymptotic expansion of ...
    • A Random Binary Trees Generation Method 

      Maghrabi, Saud M.A. [سعود محمد عبد الله مغربي] ( Qatar University , 2000 , Article)
      There are two widely used random distributions on binary trees, namely the binary search tree distribution and the uniform distribution. By analyzing the performance of algorithms that manipulate binary trees generated at ...
    • Formation of Usual and Bridging Complexes using organoselenium and -Tellurium compounds 

      Abid, Khalid Y.; Al Maydama, Hussein M.; عبد, خالد يحيى; الميدمة, حسين محمد ( Qatar University , 2005 , Article)
      The reactions of l,3-benzoselenadiazole with some diiodo selenium and tellurium heterocyclic compounds have led to the formation of charge transfer complexes. From the same reactions but in the presence of I9PtC14 new types ...
    • Survey of marine turtle nest sites in the UAE. 

      Loughland, Ronald Anthony ( Qatar University , 1999 , Article)
      The United Arab Emirates is party to the Regional Convention for Co-operation on Protection of the Environment from Marine Pollution, and the Action Plan for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment and ...
    • Coral Bleaching And Enso Anomaly : Was The Past Similar To The Present 

      Rougerie, Francis ( Qatar University , 1999 , Article)
      Bleaching of reef corals is due to partial or total loss of symbiotic micro-algae as a consequence of environmental stress such as an oceanic warming linked to the ocean-scale hydroclimatic anomaly termed ENSO (El Nino ...
    • Population biology of sparid fishes in Qatari waters 2. Age, growth and mortality of black-banded bream, Mylio bifasciatus (forsskal) 

      El Sayed, Abdel Fattah M. [عبد الفتاح محمد السيد]; Abdel-Bary, Kamel ( Qatar University , 1993 , Article)
      Age, growth and mortality of black-banded bream (faskar) Mylio bifasciatus from the Arabian Gulf waters off Qatar were estimated. The study was conducted on 314 fish obtained from the trawl catch of Qatar National Fishing ...