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AuthorAbdellatif A.A.
AuthorAl-Marridi A.Z.
AuthorMohamed A.
AuthorErbad A.
AuthorChiasserini C.F.
AuthorRefaey A.
Available date2022-04-21T08:58:25Z
Publication Date2020
Publication NameIEEE Network
AbstractThe future of healthcare systems is being shaped by incorporating emerged technological innovations to drive new models for patient care. By acquiring, integrating, analyzing, and exchanging medical data at different system levels, new practices can be introduced, offering a radical improvement to healthcare services. This article presents a novel smart and secure Healthcare system (ssHealth), which, leveraging advances in edge computing and blockchain technologies, permits epidemics discovering, remote monitoring, and fast emergency response. The proposed system also allows for secure medical data exchange among local healthcare entities, thus realizing the integration of multiple national and international entities and enabling the correlation of critical medical events for, for example, emerging epidemics management and control. In particular, we develop a blockchain-based architecture and enable a flexible configuration thereof, which optimize medical data sharing between different health entities and fulfil the diverse levels of Quality of Service (QoS) that ssHealth may require. Finally, we highlight the benefits of the proposed ssHealth system and possible directions for future research. 1986-2012 IEEE.
SponsorQatar Foundation;Qatar National Research Fund;Qatar University
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Data integration
Data Sharing
Digital storage
Electronic data interchange
Health care
Quality of service
Emergency response
Health-care system
Healthcare services
Management and controls
Patient care
Remote monitoring
System levels
Technological innovation
Information management
TitleSsHealth: Toward secure, blockchain-enabled healthcare systems
Issue Number4
Volume Number34
dc.accessType Abstract Only

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