Binarization of Degraded Document Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Wavelet-Based Multichannel Images
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have previously been broadly utilized to binarize document images. These methods have problems when faced with degraded historical documents. This paper proposes the utilization of CNNs to identify foreground pixels using novel input-generated multichannel images. To create the images, the original source image is decomposed into wavelet subbands. Then, the original image is approximated by each subband separately, and finally, the multichannel image is constituted by arranging the original source image (grayscale image) as the first channel and the approximated image by each subband as the remaining channels. To achieve the best results, two scenarios are considered, that is, two-channel and four-channel images, and then fed into two types of CNN architectures, namely, single and multiple streams. To investigate the effect of the multichannel images proposed as network inputs, the CNNs used in the architectures are three popular networks, namely, U-net, SegNet, and DeepLabv3+. The experimental results of the scenarios demonstrate that our method is more successful than the three CNNs when trained by the original source images and proves competitive performance in comparison with state-of-the-art results using the DIBCO database.
- Computer Science & Engineering [2409 items ]