Now showing items 1-10 of 17
أخلاقية المجابهة الثقافيّة بين الغرب والشرق (الرّحّالة المُتأخّرون: الاستشراق في عصر التفكك الاستعماري)
مؤسسة مؤمنون بلا حدود للدراسات والأبحاث
, 2014 , Book Review)
على الرغم من دعوة برنارد لويس Bernard Lewis إلى إلقاء مصطلح الاستشراق Orientalism في مزابل التاريخ لعدم فاعليته وجدواه، ونقد إدوارد سعيد للاستشراق بقوله: `´إن الاستشراق ليس علما وإنما هو من نتاج عصور الاستعمار وموروثاته ...
Book Review: Troubled Waters: Insecurity in the Persian Gulf, Mehran Kamrava (Cornell U. Press 2018)
, 2019 , Book Review)
While the Persian Gulf region is no stranger to turmoil, recent developments have focused on Qatari citizens and residents who have been living under diplomatic and economic sanctions imposed by Saudi Arabia, the United ...
Analysing Political Speeches: Rhetoric, Discourse and Metaphor
, 2016 , Book Review)
Analysing Political Speeches: Rhetoric, Discourse and Metaphor. Jonathan Charteris-Black. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. 274 pages, $39.27 (Paperback), ISBN 978-0-23-027439-6
SDN Controllers: A Comprehensive Analysis and Performance Evaluation Study
Association for Computing Machinery
, 2021 , Book Review)
Software-defined networks offer flexible and intelligent network operations by splitting a traditional network into a centralized control plane and a programmable data plane. The controller in the control plane is the ...
Book review: food and brain health
Wolters Kluwer
, 2023 , Book Review)
In 2014, a book entitled “Food and Brain Health” was published by a reputable US-based publisher Nova Science Publishers, Inc, New York. The book is authored and edited by a group of scientists, Dr Musthafa Mohamed Essa ...
Graphic politics in Eastern India: Script and the quest for autonomy - Nishaant Choksi (2021)
Equinox Publishing
, 2023 , Book Review)
Although linguists and other social scientists proudly assert that India is a land of linguistic diversity and richness, there aren’t many empirical studies showing how this linguistics diversity is socially and culturally ...
Review of 'terrain vague: Interstices at the edge of the pale' by Manuela Mariani and patrick barron (editors). London & New York, Routledge, 2014, 256 pages, ISBN 978-0415827683
, 2014 , Book Review)
The concept of terrain vague was first theorized by Ignasi de Sola-Morales in the mid 1990s as a contemporary space of project and design that includes the marginal wastelands and vacant lots that are located outside the ...
صحافة المحمول
Georgia State University
, 2017 , Book Review)
يناول الكتاب موضوعا حديثا في الساحة الصحفية، وهو استخدام الهواتف الذكية في مجال العمل الصحفي، والذي أصبح يعرف اليوم بـ"صحافة المحمول" Mobile Journalism، ويلقى اهتماما به من كافة المؤسسات الصحفية والإعلامية، والمشتغلين ...
The Hadrami Diaspora: Community-Building on the Indian Ocean Rim Leif Manger. New York: Berghahn, 2010. 220 pp.
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
, 2013 , Book Review)
Book Reviews: "Islam in Urban America: Sunni Muslims in Chicago"
Blackwell Publishing Ltd
, 2006 , Book Review)
Review of Islam in Urban America: Sunni Muslims in Chicago. Garbi Schmidt. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2004. ix + 242pp., notes, glossary of Arabic words, index.