Now showing items 1-10 of 33
Performance Of Chlorella Vulgaris, Neochloris Oleoabundans, and mixed indigenous microalgae for treatment of primary effluent, secondary effluent and centrate
Elsevier B.V.
, 2016 , Article)
The objective of this study was to investigate and compare the growth rate and treatment efficiency of Chlorella vulgaris, Neochloris oleoabundans and mixed indigenous microalgae for the removal of organic carbon, nitrogen ...
Intergraded wastewater treatment and carbon bio-fixation from flue gases using Spirulina platensis and mixed algal culture
Institution of Chemical Engineers
, 2019 , Article)
In this work, Spirulina platensis (SP.PL) and mixed algal culture (M.X) were used as an economical treatment technology to solve dual environmental issues related to carbon dioxide (CO2) capturing and wastewater treatment. ...
Bioelectrochemical production of hydrogen in an innovative pressure-retarded osmosis/microbial electrolysis cell system: experiments and modeling
BioMed Central
, 2015 , Article)
While microbial electrolysis cells (MECs) can simultaneously produce bioelectrochemical hydrogen and treat wastewater, they consume considerable energy to overcome the unfavorable thermodynamics, which is not ...
Mathematical modeling assisted investigation of forward osmosis as pretreatment for microbial desalination cells to achieve continuous water desalination and wastewater treatment
, 2016 , Article)
Coupling forward osmosis (FO) with microbial desalination cells (MDCs) can lead to some synergistic benefits, i.e. simultaneous water recovery, desalination and removal of COD (chemical oxygen demand). Herein, an FO-MDC ...
Effect of the organic load on salt removal efficiency of microbial desalination cell
Desalination Publications
, 2018 , Article)
Microbial desalination cell presents a novel concept for wastewater treatment, salt removal and bioelectricity generation in a single system. In this study, the effect of organic load on salt removal in air-cathode up-flow ...
Electrochemical oxidation of ammonia on nickel oxide nanoparticles
Elsevier Ltd
, 2019 , Article)
NiO and NiOTiO2 nano-catalysts were synthetized using solution combustion synthesis (SCS) method and tested toward ammonia oxidation in synthetic and real wastewater. As-synthesized NiO nano-catalyst showed a tightly ...
Integration of Energy and Wastewater Treatment Alternatives with Process Facilities to Manage Industrial Flares during Normal and Abnormal Operations: Multiobjective Extendible Optimization Framework
American Chemical Society
, 2016 , Article)
This work reports an extendible multiobjective optimization framework to find the optimal configuration of energy utilization and wastewater treatment facility of the process. It incorporates two sustainable energy integration ...
Biorefinery perspectives of microbial electrolysis cells (MECs) for hydrogen and valuable chemicals production through wastewater treatment
Green Wave Publishing of Canada
, 2020 , Article Review)
The degradation of waste organics through microbial electrolysis cell (MEC) generates hydrogen (H2) gas in an economically efficient way. MEC is known as the advanced concept of the microbial fuel cell (MFC) but requires ...
Integrated bioelectrochemical platforms
Elsevier Ltd
, 2018 , Book chapter)
Energy and water are intrinsically linked, as all energy sources need water for their production processes, and at the same time, water resources require energy to be available for human consumption. One of the promising ...
Comprehensive insights into conversion of microalgae to feed, food, and biofuels: Current status and key challenges towards implementation of sustainable biorefineries
, 2023 , Article)
Microalgae have been promoted as important feedstocks for producing biofuels and bioproducts. However, their production on a large scale would require a large amount of water and nutrients. Considering the importance of ...