• Blockchain-based recommender systems: Applications, challenges and future opportunities 

      Himeur, Yassine; Sayed, Aya; Alsalemi, Abdullah; Bensaali, Faycal; Amira, Abbes; ... more authors ( Elsevier , 2022 , Article Review)
      Recommender systems have been widely used in different application domains including energy-preservation, e-commerce, healthcare, social media, etc. Such applications require the analysis and mining of massive amounts of ...
    • Progressive Operational Perceptrons 

      Kiranyaz, Mustafa Serkan; Ince T.; Iosifidis A.; Gabbouj M. ( Elsevier B.V. , 2017 , Article)
      There are well-known limitations and drawbacks on the performance and robustness of the feed-forward, fully-connected Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), or the so-called Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs). In this study we ...
    • PTNet: An efficient and green data center network 

      Baccour, E.; Foufou, S.; Hamila, R.; Tari, Z.; Zomaya, A.Y. ( Academic Press Inc. , 2017 , Article)
      In recent years, data centers have witnessed an exponential growth for hosting hundreds of thousands of servers as well as to accommodating a very large demand for resources. To fulfill the required level of demand, some ...
    • ScalNet: A novel network architecture for data centers 

      Chkirbene, Zina; Foufou, Sebti; Hamdi, Mounir; Hamila, Ridha ( IEEE , 2015 , Conference Paper)
      This paper presents the design, implementation and evaluation of ScalNet, novel network architecture for data centers. ScalNet is a cost-effective, high- performance and scalable interconnect with almost flat architecture. ...