Now showing items 1-10 of 47
Three-wire bipolar high-voltage direct current line using an existing single-circuit high-voltage alternating current line for integrating renewable energy sources in multiterminal DC networks
Institution of Engineering and Technology
, 2016 , Article)
When compared with conventional point-To-point high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems, multiterminal HVDC (MTDC) systems are more economical and flexible. MTDC systems can tie distributed high power renewable energy ...
New tri-switching state non-isolated high gain DC-DC boost converter for microgrid application
Institution of Engineering and Technology
, 2019 , Article)
High efficiency is an important requirement from DC-DC converter in DC microgrid system when integrated with renewable energy sources. This study proposes a new tri-switching state non-isolated high gain boost converter ...
Ultra high gain step up DC/DC converter based on switched inductor and improved voltage lift technique for high-voltage applications
John Wiley and Sons Inc
, 2022 , Article)
Voltage lift is a well-known technique to improve the voltage gain of the converter. A combination of switched inductor and the conventional voltage lift technique can be used to achieve high gain, but the semiconductor's ...
High step-up single switch quadratic modified SEPIC converter for DC microgrid applications
Institution of Engineering and Technology
, 2020 , Article)
A new non-isolated high-voltage gain single switch quadratic modified single-ended primary-inductor capacitor (SEPIC) DC-DC converter is proposed in this study. The proposed converter consists of a modified SEPIC converter ...
Comprehensive Review of KY Converter Topologies, Modulation and Control Approaches with their Applications
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
, 2022 , Article)
In the current scenario, the challenging task of designing a DC-DC converter has high voltage gain and small output ripple waves, which researchers deal with in highly complicated Because of its topological and continuous ...
Bidirectional buck-boost inverter-based HVDC transmission system with AC-side contribution blocking capability during DC-side faults
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
, 2014 , Article)
Offshore wind energy is now seen as a key contributor for the future renewable energy mix. HVDC technology is among the chief technologies enabling widespread use of offshore wind. Thanks to their numerous advantages, ...
A new protection scheme for HVDC converters against DC-side faults with current suppression capability
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
, 2014 , Article)
Two-level voltage-source converters and half-bridge modular multilevel converters are among the most popular types of HVDC converters. One of their serious drawbacks is their vulnerable nature to dc-side faults, since the ...
A generalized approach for design of contingency versatile DC voltage droop control in multi-terminal HVDC networks
Elsevier Ltd
, 2021 , Article)
The non-deterministic nature of power fluctuations in renewable energy sources impose challenges to the design of DC voltage-droop controller in Multi-Terminal High-Voltage DC (MTDC) systems. Fixed droop control does not ...
Modeling and Control of Single-Stage Quadratic-Boost Split Source Inverters
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
, 2022 , Article)
This paper aims to develop the recently introduced Spilt-Source Inverter (SSI) topology to improve its boosting characteristics. New SSI topologies with high voltage gain are introduced in this paper. The proposed converters ...
General Classification and Comprehensive Performance Assessment of Multi-Objective DC Voltage Control in Multi-Terminal HVDC Networks
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
, 2021 , Article)
The recent massive global movement towards green energy in power systems has raised the efforts of integrating large-scale Renewable Energy Sources (RESs) through Multi-Terminal HVDC (MTDC) systems. The configuration of ...