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Now showing items 847-866 of 4991

    • Conducting a state-of-the-art mental health survey in a traditional setting: Challenges and lessons from piloting the World Mental Health Survey in Qatar 

      Khaled, Salma M.; Petcu, Catalina; Bader, Lina; Amro, Iman; Al-Assi, Marwa; ... more authors ( Wiley , 2021 , Article)
      Objectives: A small country in the Arabian Peninsula, Qatar experienced rapid economic growth in the last 3 decades accompanied by major socio-demographic shifts towards a younger and more highly educated population. To ...
    • Conducting research on the world's changing mediascape: Principles and practices 

      Pavlik, John V.; Dennis, Everette E.; Mersey, Rachel Davis; Gengler, Justin ( Cogitatio Press , 2019 , Article)
      As digital technology sweeps across the globe, bringing far-reaching changes to the media environment and beyond, international research on the nature and impact of these changes is essential. This commentary situates media ...
    • Conflict resilience of water and energy supply infrastructure: Insights from yemen 

      Al-Saidi, Mohammad; Roach, Emma L.; Al-Saeedi, Bilal A. ( MDPI AG , 2020 , Article)
      Political instability and conflicts are contemporary problems across the Middle East. They threaten not only basic security, but also infrastructure performance. Supply infrastructure, providing basic services such as water ...
    • Conflicts and security in integrated water resources management 

      Al-Saidi, Mohammad ( Elsevier , 2017 , Article)
      Water Resources Management (IWRM) are criticized for not considering context, local realities or legitimacy during the implementation of water sector reforms. Universal remedies of IWRM can thus lead to resistance, conflicts ...
    • CoNi Nanoparticles/CNT Composite as Effective Anode for Direct Urea Fuel Cells 

      Barakat, Nasser; Alajami1, Mohannad; Ghouri, Zafar Khan; Al-Meer, Saeed ( ESG. , 2018 , Article)
      CoNi nanoparticles/CNTs composite is introduced as workable anode in the direct urea fuel cells. The proposed anode was prepared by calcination under argon atmosphere of a dried cobalt acetate/nickel acetate/CNTs/ethanol ...
    • Connecting the multiple dimensions of global soil fungal diversity 

      Mikryukov, Vladimir; Dulya, Olesya; Zizka, Alexander; Bahram, Mohammad; Hagh-Doust, Niloufar; ... more authors ( American Association for the Advancement of Science , 2023 , Article)
      How the multiple facets of soil fungal diversity vary worldwide remains virtually unknown, hindering the management of this essential species-rich group. By sequencing high-resolution DNA markers in over 4000 topsoil samples ...
    • Consanguineous marriage in the Arab societies 

      Al-Ghanim, Kaltham Ali ( MedCrave , 2020 , Article Review)
      Endogamous and consanguineous marriage is estimated to comprise 20% of all marriages in the contemporary world. In Arabia, however, it is estimated to characterize approximately half of all marriages. Overall, this is ...
    • Consanguinity and psychiatric disorders: Qatar case study 

      Ibrahim, Mohamed Abdelalaim; Al-Ghanim, Kaltham Ali; Eltohami, Ali Ahmed; Eltohami, Ali Ahmed ( MedCrave , 2020 , Report)
      Objective: The objective of this study was to examine the pattern of marriage and tradition among Qatari psychiatric patients attending an outpatient psychiatry clinic in Doha, Qatar. The study also investigates the ...
    • Consequences of marine barriers for genetic diversity of the coral-specialist yellowbar angelfish from the Northwestern Indian Ocean 

      Torquato F.; Range P.; Ben-Hamadou R.; Sigsgaard E.E.; Thomsen P.F.; ... more authors ( John Wiley and Sons Ltd , 2019 , Article)
      Ocean circulation, geological history, geographic distance, and seascape heterogeneity play an important role in phylogeography of coral‐dependent fishes. Here, we investigate potential genetic population structure within ...
    • Consideration of a Pedestrian Speed Change Model in the Pedestrian-Vehicle Safety Assessment of Signalized Crosswalks 

      Iryo-Asano M.; Alhajyaseen W. ( Elsevier B.V. , 2017 , Conference Paper)
      Pedestrian safety is one of the most challenging issues in the road network. Understanding the pedestrian maneuver is the key to applying countermeasures against traffic crashes. It is known that behaviors of pedestrians ...
    • Considerations for Producing Bioenergy from Halophyte Feedstocks 

      Brown, J. Jed ( Springer International Publishing , 2019 , Book chapter)
      With the growing criticisms of using arable land and edible crops to produce first-generation biofuels instead of food for humans, there is an increasing interest in using marginal lands and water sources to grow biofuel ...
    • Constructing water-resistant CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite films: Via coordination interaction 

      Li, Bo; Fei, Chengbin; Zheng, Kaibo; Qu, Xuanhui; Pullerits, Tönu; ... more authors ( Royal Society of Chemistry , 2016 , Article)
      Organic-inorganic halide CH3NH3PbI3 (MAPbI3) perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have attracted intensive attention due to their high power conversion efficiency and low fabrication cost. However, MAPbI3 is known to be very ...
    • Containers' for self-healing epoxy composites and coating : Trends and advances 

      Vijayan, P.; AlMaadeed, M.A. ( BME-PT and GTE , 2016 , Article)
      The introduction of self-healing functionality into epoxy matrix is an important and challenging topic. Various micro/nano containers loaded self-healing agents are developed and incorporated into epoxy matrix to impart ...
    • Contaminant metals in costal marine sediment along the Doha Bay, Qatar 

      Al-Naimia, Hajer A.; Al-Ghoutib, Mohammad A.; Al-Shaikha, Ismail; Al-Yafeb, Mehsin; Al-Meer, Saeed ( Hamad bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press) , 2015 , Conference Paper)
      Heavy metals pollution in marine environments has become a worldwide problem with the fast industrial development in the east coastal region of Qatar, especially in the Doha bay area. Heavy metals are expected to be presented ...
    • Contamination of planktonic food webs in the Mediterranean Sea: Setting the frame for the MERITE-HIPPOCAMPE oceanographic cruise (spring 2019) 

      Marc, Tedetti; Tronczynski, Jacek; Carlotti, François; Pagano, Marc; Ismail, Sana Ben; ... more authors ( Elsevier Ltd , 2023 , Article)
      This paper looks at experiential feedback and the technical and scientific challenges tied to the MERITE-HIPPOCAMPE cruise that took place in the Mediterranean Sea in spring 2019. This cruise proposes an innovative approach ...
    • Contemporary issues in Qatar’s food security 

      Miniaoui, Hela; Irungu, Patrick; Kaitibie, Simeon ( Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore , 2018 , Other)
      Qatar is one of the richest countries in the world. However, its domestic food production is so low that over 90 percent of its food supply has to be imported. This article provides some stylised facts on Qatar’s food ...
    • Contemporary Qatar : Examining State and Society 

      Zweiri, Mahjoob; Al Qawasmi, Farah; Abushouk, Ahmed Ibrahim; Al-Jaber, Khalid; Zaccara, Luciano; ... more authors ( Springer , 2021 , Book)
      This book addresses critical topics and unanswered questions on the contemporary state of Qatar. Drawing together a unique combination of authors that have researched the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) in general, and the ...
    • Contemporary Qatar Through the State and Society: An Introduction 

      Zweiri, Mahjoob; Qawasmi, Farah Al ( Springer , 2021 , Book chapter)
      "Inside Contemporary Qatar: An examination of State and Society" is an interdisciplinary book that includes the following themes, the politics and security of Qatar, the political economy and natural resources of Qatar, ...
    • Contemporary Women in Qatar: An Ethnographic Study of Their Challenges in Terms of Traditional Applications and Modern Requirements 

      Al-Ghanim, Kaltham; Gardner, Andrew; Lari, Noora ( SAGE Publications Inc. , 2023 , Article)
      This study analyzes the interaction and friction between tradition and modernity as experienced by Qatari women. We explore the experiences and perspectives of contemporary Qatari women across generations and their continuity ...
    • Context-aware RAON middleware for opportunistic network 

      Lau, G.; Al-Sabah, M.; Jaseemuddin, M.; Razavi, H.; Bhuiyan, M. ( Elsevier B.V. , 2017 , Article)
      Application development and deployment on Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET) is a major challenge in the widespread use of MANET. The increasing D2D communication in 5G networks has renewed interest in an effective middleware ...