• Modelling the utilization rates of pedestrian crosswalks 

      Walid Abdullah, Al Bargi; Daniel, Basil David; Khalifa, Nasradeen A.; Rohani, Munzilah Md; Hussain, Qinaat; ... more authors ( Elsevier , 2023 , Article)
      A zebra crossing is a form of pedestrian crossing provision point on roads that have significant volumes of traffic. It is one of the safety measures employed to reduce avoidable pedestrian-motorist conflicts and accidents ...
    • Pedestrian Crossing (Crosswalk) 

      Miho, Iryo-Asano; Alhajyaseen, Wael K.M.; Suzuki, Koji ( Elsevier , 2021 , Book chapter)
      Pedestrian crossings are facilities for pedestrians to cross at at-grade intersections or road sections safely. At unsignalized crossings, pedestrian safety is ensured by clarifying pedestrian priority with zebra markings, ...