Technology Innovation and Engineering Education Unit: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 63
Improved Discrete Definition of Quadratic Time-Frequency Distributions
( IEEE , 2010 , Article)Computation of a time-frequency distribution (TFD) requires a discrete version of the continuous distribution. This discrete TFD (DTFD) should be free from aliasing and conserve all the important mathematical properties ... -
Time-frequency approach to radar detection, imaging, and classification
( Institution of Engineering and Technology , 2010 , Article)One of the central problems in exploiting the radar data is the analysis of atime series. The problem at hand is how to extract the information present in the data and use it to its full potential. Traditionally, radar ... -
A nonparametric feature for neonatal EEG seizure detection based on a representation of pseudo-periodicity
( Elsevier Ltd , 2011 , Article)Automated methods of neonatal EEG seizure detection attempt to highlight the evolving, stereotypical, pseudo-periodic, nature of EEG seizure while rejecting the nonstationary, modulated, coloured stochastic background in ... -
Accurate and efficient implementation of the time–frequency matched filter
( Institution of Engineering and Technology , 2010 , Article)The discrete time-frequency matched filter should replicate the continuoustime-frequency matched filter, but the methods differ. To avoid aliasing, thediscrete method transforms the real-valued signal to the complex-valued ... -
Editorial: Time-Frequency Approach to Radar Detection, Imaging, and Classification
( Institution of Engineering and Technology , 2010 , Article)One of the central problems in exploiting the radar data is the analysis of atime series. The problem at hand is how to extract the information present in the data and use it to its full potential. Traditionally, radar ... -
Multiple-view time-frequency distribution based on the empirical mode decomposition
( Institution of Engineering and Technology , 2010 , Article)This study proposes a novel, composite time-frequency distribution (TFD) constructed using a multiple-view approach. This composite TFD utilises the intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) of the empirical mode decomposition (EMD) ... -
Analysis of the time-varying cortical neural connectivity in the newborn EEG: A time-frequency approach
( IEEE , 2011 , Conference)Relationships between cortical neural recordings as a representation of functional connectivity between cortical brain regions were quantified using different time-frequency criteria. Among these, Partial Directed Coherence ... -
Detection of seizure signals in newborns
( IEEE , 1999 , Conference)This paper considers a system design for processing a multidimensional biomedical signal formed by EEG, ECG, EOG and motion recorded from a newborn, for the purpose of detection of epileptic seizures in newborns as an ... -
Generalized dynamic spectrum access: An order statistics design perspective
( Elsevier GmbH , 2008 , Article)A new adaptive multiple access scheme based on the theory of order statistics is introduced. The proposed algorithm employs a semi-random allocation mechanism that limits subchannel selection to the highest-gain subchannels. ... -
Fuzzy time domain and Z-transform for modeling of harmonic electric loads
( IEEE , 2001 , Conference)This paper demonstrates the application of fuzzy systems and Z-transform for electric load modeling in the presence and/or absence of harmonics. The problem is formulated as one of linear optimization, where the objective ... -
A Discontinuous PWM Method for Balancing the Neutral Point Voltage in Three-Level Inverter-Fed Variable Frequency Drives
( IEEE , 2008 , Article)The paper describes a new discontinuous carrier-based pulsewidth modulation (PWM) method for use in variable frequency drives (VFD) driven by three-level inverters. The method introduces three different switching patterns ... -
Long-term electric peak load forecasting for power system planning: A comparative study
( King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals , 2004 , Article)A comparative study between two static estimation algorithms, namely least error squares (LES) and least absolute value (LAV) algorithm was presented. The proposed algorithm used the past history data for the load and the ... -
A resolver converter based upon a novel open-Loop Technique
( IEEE , 2008 , Conference)The paper presents a novel technique for the determination of the angle from slowly-varying quadrature co-sinusoidal signals produced, for example, by position sensors. In the presented scheme applied to a resolver, the ... -
Wireless transmission with cooperation on demand for slow and fast fading environments
( IEEE , 2008 , Conference)Mobile users with single antennas can still take advantage of spatial diversity through repetition based cooperative transmission. In this paper, we consider a scheme in which the relay chooses to cooperate only if the ... -
Voltage stability evaluation of real power transmission system using singular value decomposition technique
( IEEE , 2008 , Conference)Voltage stability is an important factor that needs to be taken into consideration during the planning and operation of power systems in order to avoid voltage collapse and subsequently partial or full system blackout. ... -
A New Low Cost Linear Resolver Converter
( IEEE , 2008 , Article)A new low cost converter topology is proposed for sinusoidal position encoders. The converter enables determination of the angle from the sine and cosine signals of the encoder. When used with resolvers, the implementation ... -
An open-loop technique for angle determination from position encoders
( IEEE , 2008 , Conference)The paper presents a novel technique for the determination of the angle from low-frequency quadrature cosinusoidal signals produced, for example, by position sensors. In the presented scheme applied to a resolver, the ... -
Power system frequency estimation based on simulated annealing. Part I: A constant frequency study
( King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals , 2003 , Article)In this paper a new algorithm based on Simulated Annealing (SA) method is used to estimate the signal parameters of a system steady power system, having a constant frequency during data window size. The proposed algorithm ... -
Fuzzy system applications for identification of weak buses in power systems
( King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals , 2002 , Article)In this paper a simple new algorit hm for identifying the weak buses in a power system for voltage stability study is presented. The proposed algorithm is based on fuzzy set theory. Two membership functions, one for voltage ... -
Iterative learning control for variable frequency drives
( IEEE , 2008 , Conference)Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) are subject to various types of disturbances especially cyclical ones. These periodic disturbances are difficult to compensate by conventional controllers. Repetitive control can only ...