Cardiovascular System
Contents: Introduction to diagnostic microbiology. Development of diagnostic microbiology ; Taxonomy and classification ; The bacterial cell ; The host's encounter with microbes ; Safety --Routine specimen processing. Specimen collection ; Cultivation of microorganisms ; Presumptive identification ; Final identification ; Immunological tests ; Susceptibility testing ; Emerging technologies --Special specimen processing. Acid-fast bacilli cultures ; Fungal cultures ; Ova and parasites ; Viral, chlamydial, and Rickettsial specimens --Clinically significant isolates. Aerobic gram-positive cocci ; Aerobic gram-negative cocci ; Aerobic gram-positive rods ; Fastidious gram-negative rods ; Enterobacteriaceae ; Nonfermenting gram-negative rods ; Vibrio, Aeromonas, Plesiomonas, Campylobacter, Helicobacter, and Chromobacterium ; Anaerobic bacteria ; Spirochetes ; Mycobacterium species ; Miscellaneous microorganisms ; Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma ; Medical mycology ; Parasitology ; Intracellular microorganisms --Analysis of body systems for infectious disease. Cardiovascular system ; Respiratory system ; Urinary system ; Gastrointestinal system ; Genital system ; The integumentary system ; Central nervous system ; Skeletal system ; Opportunistic infections ; Nosocomial infections ; Global threats --Appendix: Answers to checkpoints.
- Health Sciences-CAS (pre 2016) [152 items ]