Now showing items 401-420 of 8335

    • Towards On-Device Dehydration Monitoring Using Machine Learning from Wearable Device's Data 

      Sabry, Farida; Eltaras, Tamer; Labda, Wadha; Hamza, Fatima; Alzoubi, Khawla; ... more authors ( MDPI , 2022 , Article)
      With the ongoing advances in sensor technology and miniaturization of electronic chips, more applications are researched and developed for wearable devices. Hydration monitoring is among the problems that have been recently ...
    • Decentralized broadcast encryption schemes with constant size ciphertext and fast decryption 

      Malluhi, Qutaibah; Tran, Vinh D.; Trinh, Viet C. ( MDPI AG , 2020 , Article)
      Broadcast encryption (BE) allows a sender to encrypt a message to an arbitrary target set of legitimate users and to prevent non-legitimate users from recovering the broadcast information. BE has numerous practical ...
    • Smart grid public datasets: Characteristics and associated applications 

      Altamimi, Emran; Al-Ali, Abdulaziz; Malluhi, Qutaibah M.; Al-Ali, Abdulla K. ( John Wiley and Sons Inc , 2024 , Article Review)
      The development of smart grids, traditional power grids, and the integration of internet of things devices have resulted in a wealth of data crucial to advancing energy management and efficiency. Nevertheless, public ...
    • Anonymizing transactional datasets 

      AL Bouna, Becharaa; Clifton, Chrisc; Malluhi, Qutaibah ( IOS Press , 2015 , Article)
      In this paper, we study the privacy breach caused by unsafe correlations in transactional data where individuals have multiple tuples in a dataset. We provide two safety constraints to guarantee safe correlation of the ...
    • AICCSA 08 - 6th IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications: Message from the general chairs 

      Hassanein, Hossam; Malluhi, Qutaibah ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2008 , Other)
      Presents the introductory welcome message from the conference proceedings.
    • A system for automatic gathering and intelligent analyses of Doha traffic data 

      Alnaimi, Noora; Barhoum, Nuha; Nasser, Abeer; Swidan, Alia; Malluhi, Qutaibah ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2008 , Conference Paper)
      In recent years, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) have gained increased attention. ITS [1] [2] provide opportunities for traffic engineers and decision-makers to deal with problems related to highway traffic operation ...
    • ConMR: Concurrent MapReduce programming model for large scale shared-Data applications 

      Zhang, Fan; Malluhi, Qutaibah. M.; Elsyed, Tamer M. ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2013 , Conference Paper)
      The rapid growth of large-data processing has brought in the MapReduce programming model as a widely accepted solution. However, MapReduce limits itself to a onemap- To-one-reduce framework. Meanwhile, it lacks built-in ...
    • Real-time traffic surveillance using ZigBee 

      Al-Abdallah, Aisha; Al-Emadi,Asma; Al-Ansari, Mona; Mohandes, Nassma; Malluhi, Qutaibah ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2010 , Conference Paper)
      This paper describes the design, implementation, and analysis of a proof-of-concept prototype of a traffic surveillance system. The system employs an in-vehicle device for collecting real-time traffic data. The device uses ...
    • Secure outsourcing of network flow data analysis 

      Nassar, Mohamed; al Bouna, Bechara; Malluhi, Qutaibah ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2013 , Conference Paper)
      In this paper, we identify a new and challenging application for the growing field of research on data anonymization and secure outsourcing of storage and computations to the cloud. Network flow data analysis is of high ...
    • Efficient alignment of next generation sequencing data using MapReduce on the cloud 

      AlSaad, Rawan; Malluhi, Qutaibah; Abouelhoda, Mohamed ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2012 , Conference Paper)
      This paper presents a methodology for running NGS read mapping tools in the cloud environment based on the MapReduce programming paradigm. As a demonstration, the recently developed and robust sequence alignment tool, ...
    • Securing Aggregate Queries for DNA Databases 

      Nassar, Mohamed; Malluhi, Qutaibah; Atallah, Mikhail; Shikfa, Abdullatif ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2019 , Article)
      This paper addresses the problem of sharing person-specific genomic sequences without violating the privacy of their data subjects to support large-scale biomedical research projects. The proposed method builds on the ...
    • Similarity Group-By operators for multi-dimensional relational data 

      Tang, Mingjie; Tahboub, Ruby Y.; Aref, Walid G.; Atallah, Mikhail J.; Malluhi, Qutaibah M.; ... more authors ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2016 , Conference Paper)
      The SQL group-by operator plays an important role in summarizing and aggregating large datasets in a data analytics stack. The Similarity SQL-based Group-By operator (SGB, for short) extends the semantics of the standard ...
    • Approving updates in collaborative databases 

      Mershad, Khaleel; Malluhi, Qutaibah M.; Ouzzani, Mourad; Tang, Mingjie; Aref, Walid G. ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2015 , Conference Paper)
      Data curation activities in collaborative databases mandate that collaborators interact until they converge and agree on the content of their data. Typically, updates by a member of the collaboration are made visible to ...
    • Scalable multi-core implementation for motif finding problem 

      Abbas, Mostafa M.; Malluhi, Qutaibah M.; Balakrishnan, P. ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2014 , Conference Paper)
      The motif finding problem is a key step for understanding the gene regulation and expression, drug design, disease resistance, etc. Many sequential algorithms have been proposed in the literature to find the exact motifs. ...
    • Anomalies detection in software by conceptual learning from normal executions 

      Alban, Ahmad Qadeib; Islam, Fahad; Malluhi, Qutaibah M.; Jaoua, Ali ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2020 , Article)
      Could we detect anomalies during the run-time of a program by learning from the analysis of its previous traces for normally completed executions? In this paper we create a featured data set from program traces at run time, ...
    • Free Chain: Enabling Freedom of Expression through Public Blockchains 

      Alsarsour, Israa; Malluhi, Qutaibah; Wang, Yongge ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2020 , Conference Paper)
      Everyone should have the right to expression and opinion without interference. Nevertheless, Internet censorship is often misused to block freedom of speech. The distributed ledger technology provides a globally shared ...
    • Cryptocurrencies and artificial intelligence: Challenges and opportunities 

      Sabry, Farida; Labda, Wadha; Erbad, Aiman; Malluhi, Qutaibah ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2020 , Article)
      Decentralized cryptocurrencies have gained a lot of attention over the last decade. Bitcoin was introduced as the first cryptocurrency to allow direct online payments without relying on centralized financial entities. The ...
    • Privacy-Preserving Fog Aggregation of Smart Grid Data Using Dynamic Differentially-Private Data Perturbation 

      Kserawi, Fawaz; Al-Marri, Saeed; Malluhi, Qutaibah ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2022 , Article)
      The edge of the smart grid has a massive number of power and resource-constrained interconnected devices. Mainly, smart meters report power consumption data from consumer homes, industrial buildings, and other connected ...
    • Data consistency in multi-cloud storage systems with passive servers and non-communicating clients 

      Mhaisen, Naram; Malluhi, Qutaibah M. ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2020 , Article)
      Multi-cloud storage systems are becoming more popular due to the ever-expanding amount of consumer data. This growth is accompanied by increasing concerns regarding security, privacy, and reliability of cloud storage ...
    • Battery-Induced Load Hiding and Its Utility Consequences 

      Aly, Hussein; Altamimi, Emran; Al-Ali, Abdulaziz; Al-Ali, Abdulla; Malluhi, Qutaibah ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2024 , Conference Paper)
      The introduction of smart grids allows utility providers to collect detailed data about consumers, which can be utilized to enhance grid efficiency and reliability. However, this data collection also raises privacy concerns. ...