• Reconfiguring the Regional Security Architecture in the Persian Gulf: Intra-GCC Conflicts, Relations with Iran, and Great Power Interests 

      Haghirian, Mehran ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2021 , Conference Paper)
      The member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) -Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE)- were often characterized as being a part of a singular unit and assumed to be following ...
    • Red Sea security as Gulf security: building a new regional order in the Red Sea 

      Sánchez, Victoria Silva ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2021 , Conference Paper)
      During the past few years, the Red Sea has attracted increased attention from both scholars and policymakers due to several events of regional importance. However, this novelty approach neglects a long and deep history of ...
    • Regional inclusive mechanism for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region; Bringing 'Pipe Dreams' to Reality 

      Baabood, Abdullah ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2021 , Conference Paper)
      The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is going through an existential crisis due to a complex, multifaceted historical and new entrenched set of reasons. The root causes of the current situation are rife in the ...
    • Russia and the new security system in the Persian Gulf: Approach and strategy 

      Bijan, Aref ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2021 , Conference Paper)
      The region of the Persian Gulf, which is strategically important for the whole world, is experiencing extremely alarming trends. Ensuring security in the strategically important area of the Persian Gulf is one of the key ...
    • Social Impact of COVID-19 on Qatari Families: Challenges and Coping Strategies 

      Abdelmoneium, Azza ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2021 , Conference Paper)
      The pandemic of the coronavirus has swept the world and affected health, economic, social and financial aspects on all countries around the world in an unprecedented way due to its universal spread. Qatar is no exception ...
    • The 6th Annual Conference 2021 (Day1) 

      Aras, Bulent; Baabood, Abdullah; Dehghani, Hamid Reza; Abbasi, Fahimeh; Haghirian, Mehran; ... more authors ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2021 , Video)
      Session 1: Frameworks and Approaches to the Regional Security System in the Gulf - Session 2: Non-Conventional Security Aspects in the Gulf: Towards a Comprehensive Security - Session 3: Roles and Policies of the GCC States ...
    • The 6th Annual Conference 2021 (Day2) 

      Parmeter, Ian; Bukhari, Asiya; Owen Jones, Marc; Bijan, Aref; Ghurab, Salem; ... more authors ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2021 , Video)
      Session 4: Cyber Security in the Gulf - Session 5: External Actors and Case Studies
    • The Existing Initiatives to Establish Regional Security Arrangement in the Region Towards a Desirable Model 

      Dehghani, Hamid Reza; Abbasi, Fahimeh ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2021 , Conference Paper)
      Security, stability, and cooperation are the missing links in our region. Over the last few decades, many attempts have been made to establish the security mechanism such as UNSCR 598, where requests UN Secretary- General ...
    • The GCC from the hegemony of one to the balance of power to all 

      Altiok, Huzeyfe; Baycar, Hamdullah ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2021 , Conference Paper)
      Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) was founded by six monarchies to protect the small members from regional threats, namely Iran and Iraq. However, the failure of the GCC to stop the Kuwaiti invasion questioned the organisation's ...
    • The Iraq-Iran war causes; a theoretical reexamination 

      Ghurab, Salem ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2021 , Conference Paper)
      On 22 September 1980, Iraqi forces started their invasion of Iran, heralding the longest conventional war in the twentieth century. A year earlier, both Saddam Hussein in Iraq and Ruhallah Khomeini in Iran consolidated ...
    • The Role of GCC Foreign Aid Policy in Enhancing the Regional Security: The Case of the State of Qatar 

      Bashir, Fadlh ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2021 , Conference Paper)
      This paper presents an important aspect of the regional security of the GCC region and the neighboring countries. It explores the use of foreign aid policy in GCC states, and the state of Qatar in particular, to enhance ...
    • The role of the United Arab Emirates in the internationalization of the Yemeni conflict 

      Foyth, Joel ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2021 , Conference Paper)
      In 2011, tired of poverty and corruption, thousands of Yemenis mobilised to demand the departure of President Abdullah Saleh. After thirty years in power, Saleh signed his resignation, and an initially peaceful and promising ...
    • Toward a Constructivist Approach to the Gulf Region's Security 

      Yaghi, Mohammad ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2021 , Conference Paper)
      For long decades, the Gulf States have relied on the United States to provide security for their countries, but since the Obama's administration, the U.S. is signaling its intention to withdraw from the MENA region making ...
    • Toward New Architecture for Persian Gulf Order, Necessity of Overlapping the Human Security and State Security 

      Heiran-Nia, Javad ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2021 , Conference Paper)
      The security regimes in the Persian Gulf are mainly based on the realism that emphasizes statism. Accordingly, the security regimes have been trying to ensure the security of the state, and in its reduced form, the security ...
    • Turkey and the GCC region in the aftermath of Al-Ula Summit 

      Aras, Bulent ( Gulf Studies center - College of Arts & Sciences - Qatar University , 2021 , Conference Paper)
      The Al-Ula Summit of January 5, 2021, officially brought the most recent Gulf crisis to an end after almost four years. Saudi Arabia's leadership was crucial in the GCC decision to normalize relations with Qatar. Last-minute ...