Now showing items 201-220 of 355

    • Crossing the Rubicon: Tevere Cavo, an Urban Project for Rome 

      Saggio, Antonino ( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2021 , Conference Paper)
      We believe that the new frontiers of Information Technology have to deal with the central role of Infrastructures in the existing city. Indeed, this new generation of infrastructures will allow the 'redirection' of the ...
    • Where Are We Now? 

      Oosterhuis, Kas ( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2021 , Conference Paper)
      After 16 years of leading the Hyperbody research group as professor of practice at the TU Delft, I wanted to do something completely different and looked at the Gulf region for further educational and professional activities. ...
    • Smart Cities: A Socio-Technical Perspective 

      Biloria, Nimish ( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2021 , Conference Paper)
      This research paper elaborates upon the concept of Smart Cities and the evolution of the term itself throughout history in order to outline the emergence of two distinct schools of thought: technocentric and humancentric, ...
    • The Agrarian City in the age of Planetary Scale Computation: Dynamic System Model and Parametric Design Model for the introduction of Vertical Farming in High Dense Urban Environments in Singapore 

      Aiman, Tabony; Enriqueta, Llabres-Valls ( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2021 , Conference Paper)
      Current conditions related to food security lead to study alternative forms of food production in cities such as vertical urban farming in high dense urban environments. This paper discusses the development of the Innovate ...
    • Crossbreed - (Re) producing the Future 

      Brosilovski, Yael ( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2021 , Conference Paper)
      The subject of technological intervention has been largely debated among the world’s greatest minds. Political, theological, psychological, biological and ethical implications have all been argued for and against the ...
    • BLOOM: materialising computational workflows 

      Georgiou, Michail; Georgiou, Odysseas ( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2021 , Conference Paper)
      The paper presents ongoing research, aiming towards affordability of complex forms in architecture. The research supports that the above objective can be approached by re-examining and integrating materiality and form-finding ...
    • ' Pay-as-you-go City ': New Forms of Domesticity in a Technological Society 

      Ameijde, Jeroen van; Sentissi, Zineb ( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2021 , Conference Paper)
      Ongoing urbanization, combined with market fundamentalism as the prevailing mode of political management, is leading to the spatial and social segregation of economic classes in cities. The housing market, being driven by ...
    • Smart Interactive Buildings [SIBs]: The use of Ambient Intelligent Systems [AMIS] to enable Smart Interactive Settlements [SISs] 

      Al Saeed, Mahmoud; Fadli, Fodil ( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2021 , Conference Paper)
      The 21st Century is witnessing the dawn of Industry [I4.0], or the fourth Industrial Revolution. With burgeoning technological inventions linked to smart interactive cities and intelligent buildings, where humans-machines-spaces ...
    • Robotic Fabrication as Catalysts for Emergent Topologies and Traditions: Nomadic Small Pavilions and Permanent Mega Structures in Kuwait 

      Dashti, Hussain ( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2021 , Conference Paper)
      This paper reviews tendencies and drives for future parametric computational design and robotic fabrication/construction automation. It sheds light on the local current impact of the computational paradigm and mass-customized ...
    • Re-defining the Role of Interactive Architecture in Social Relationships 

      Boychenko, Kristina ( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2021 , Conference Paper)
      With rapid advance of new technologies and mediated built space has shifted from a static context of functions serving users to a new participant of social relationships. Interactive abilities and computational power allow ...
    • [E]motive Architecture: strategies for a behaviour-driven Space configuration 

      Cambié, Viola; Zanoli, Carlotta ( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2021 , Conference Paper)
      As Architect and Engineer, we used to work with the concept of Space. Struggling to find an exhaustive definition, we risk thinking about it as a framework with the same properties of the object we are going to design. ...
    • The Affective City: Cartography of Machinic Urban Assemblages 

      Passia, Yota; Roupas, Panagiotis ( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2021 , Conference Paper)
      While the city is generally perceived -within complexity theory and dynamic systems theory as a changing field of dense interactions that occur in a range of spatial and temporal scales, we are unable to perceive it or ...
    • Increasing Value of Architecture in the Platform Society 

      Pool, M. N. ( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2021 , Conference Paper)
      The author has developed several methods for democratizing the architectural design process resulting in a more user specific and open architecture. Our cities need Open Systems in order to grow and become resilient and ...
    • The Body at the Center of Our Design Universe 

      Major, Mark David; Tannous, Heba Osama ( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2021 , Conference Paper)
      A third factor has increasingly complicated the man-environment paradigm - the intellectual and physical framework defining the relationship between man and the environment, both built and natural - without definitive ...
    • Participator, A Participatory Urban Design Instrument 

      Oosterhuis, Kas; Hidding, Arwin ( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2021 , Conference Paper)
      A point cloud of reference points forms the programmable basis of a new method of urban and architectural modeling. Points in space from the smallest identifiable units that are informed to communicate with each other to ...
    • Concept Design of Major Roads and Infrastructure in the Center of Doha City: Phase 4 project 

      Zaki, Mohab ( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2020 , Conference Paper)
      "Doha, the Capital City of Qatar. A cosmopolitan, diverse and ever-growing international hub in the Arabian Gulf. It’s recent and continuous rapid expansion necessitates the careful planning of its roads infrastructure. ...
    • An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Estimate Travel Time along Public Transportation Bus Lines 

      Ghanim, Mohammad S.; Shaaban, Khaled; Miqdad, Motasem ( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2020 , Conference Paper)
      Public transportation sectors have played significant roles in accommodating passengers and commodities efficiently and effectively. The modes of public transportation often follow pre-defined operation schedules and routes. ...
    • Developing Assessment Framework for Strategic Transportation Projects in Qatar 

      Mohammad, Anas; Al Rawi, Nabeel; Freija, Osama ( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2020 , Conference Paper)
      This paper presents Transportation Assessment Framework and process for selecting, defining, and naming assessment criteria to be used in transport appraisal. The approach is based on a review of national and international ...
    • Evaluating the Operational Impact of Left-Turn Exclusive Number of Lanes: A Case Study from Qatar 

      Shaaban, Khaled| Ghanim, Mohammad S. ( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2020 , Conference Paper)
      Left-turning movements can significantly reduce the overall capacity of signalized intersections due to the queueing built up. Intersections with heavy left-turning volumes tend to use multiple lanes to accommodate left-turn ...
    • Application of Vehicle Restraint Systems (VRSs) in the State of Qatar: A Case Study from Northern Roads 

      Muley, Deepti; Tahmasseby, Shahram; Wink, Bernd Wolfgang; Tarlochan, Faris ( Qatar Univesrity Press , 2020 , Conference Paper)
      Recent developments within Infrastructural Road Safety and especially in the Sector of Vehicle Restraint Systems (VRS) have enabled Transport Authorities to significantly reduce road fatalities and severe injuries. ...