Determinants of Knowledge Sharing in Virtual Network Communities in Organizational Context
This paper attempts to examine factors that affect knowledge sharing by individuals in virtual network communities (VNCs) from an organisational context. A research model based on the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) was developed and empirically tested using a web-based survey questionnaire. Antecedent variables are considered as organisational support, organisational culture, subjective norm, web-self-efficacy, attitude towards knowledge sharing, and intention to sharing knowledge. The results showed that attitude towards knowledge sharing, organisational culture, and subjective norm have significant positive effects on knowledge sharing intention which in turns has a significant positive impact on knowledge sharing. Additionally, organisational support indirectly impact intention through attitude. Additionally, the results revealed that web-self-efficacy gender, age, educational level, and firm's age were not significant. Implications for researchers and managers were reported.
- Accounting & Information Systems [544 items ]