Now showing items 1-10 of 46
Development of Bangladeshi immigrant entrepreneurship in Canada
, 2018 , Article)
Canada has developed a comprehensive immigration policy to accept different types of immigrants under its economic, family and humanitarian immigration categories. Canada invites over a quarter-million immigrants in a year. ...
Qualitative Analysis of Student Perceptions of E-Portfolios in a Teacher Education Program
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
, 2012 , Article)
In the last decade, e-portfolios have moved to the forefront of teacher preparation programs across the
United States. With its widespread use, faculty and administrators need to understand teacher candidates’ perspectives ...
Peace Education in Canada:Teacher Perceptions of the Cultivating Peace Education Program
University of Alberta
, 2009 , Article)
Many Muslims, Arabs, and other minority communities in Canada experienced the backlash of the September 11, 2001 events. Although these groups were discriminated against in a number of institutions, Muslim children in ...
Corporate Choice between Conventional Bonds and Sukuk Issuance: Evidence from GCC Countries
, 2018 , Article)
Although there have been recent developments in respect of the diversification of capital markets
in GCC countries, the motivations of the firms issuing Sukuk or conventional bonds have remained
largely unexplored. Using ...
Migrant wives: dynamics of the empowerment process
Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
, 2018 , Article)
An increasing number of male migrants are taking part in intra- and inter-regional migration in Asia, leaving their wives behind at home. Their wives, whom we call emigrant wives, often adapt to new roles and responsibilities ...
Navigating Murky Waters: Iranian-Gulf Relations a Year into Raisi's Presidency
John Wiley and Sons Inc
, 2023 , Article)
This paper examines the first year of Ebrahim Raisi's presidency and focuses on Iran's relations with neighboring Gulf states. The paper analyzes how President Raisi was able to navigate his foreign policies amidst numerous ...
Between Development, Growth, and Survival: Iran's Economic Priorities before and under President Raisi
John Wiley and Sons Inc
, 2023 , Article)
The conservative forces in Iran have long criticized their moderate rivals' failure to grow the economy and improve the living standards of the people during their time in power. As a president, Ebrahim Raisi faces immense ...
Contemporary Qatar : Examining State and Society
, 2021 , Book)
This book addresses critical topics and unanswered questions on the contemporary state of Qatar. Drawing together a unique combination of authors that have researched the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) in general, and the ...
Oman's independent foreign policy
Taylor and Francis
, 2016 , Book chapter)
This chapter examines and explains the nature of Oman’s foreign policy. In doing so, it will apply three levels of foreign policy analysis, including the societal level, the state level, and the system level. The chapter ...
The dynamics of energy geopolitics in the Gulf and Qatar's Foreign relations with East Asia
Springer Singapore
, 2016 , Book chapter)
Five GCC countries have developed shortages of natural gas, while Qatar possesses the third largest reserves of natural gas globally, and yet no meaningful GCC-wide gas network exists. Qatar's commercially grounded energy ...