Effect of asymmetrical heat rise/fall on the film flow of magnetohydrodynamic hybrid ferrofluid
The movement of the ferrous nanoparticles is random in the base fluid, and it will be homogeneous under the enforced magnetic field. This phenomenon shows a significant impact on the energy transmission process. In view of this, we inspected the stream and energy transport in magnetohydrodynamic dissipative ferro and hybrid ferrofluids by considering an uneven heat rise/fall and radiation effects. We studied the Fe3O4 (magnetic oxide) and CoFe2O4 (cobalt iron oxide) ferrous particles embedded in H2O-EG (ethylene glycol) (50–50%) mixture. The flow model is converted as ODEs with suitable similarities and resolved them using the 4th order Runge-Kutta scheme. The influence of related constraints on transport phenomena examined through graphical illustrations. Simultaneous solutions explored for both ferro and hybrid ferrofluid cases. It is found that the magnetic oxide and cobalt iron oxide suspended in H2O-EG (ethylene glycol) (50–50%) mixture effectively reduces the heat transfer rate under specific conditions.
- Mathematics, Statistics & Physics [726 items ]