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AuthorPerianayagam, Arokiasamy
Available date2024-12-26T08:35:38Z
Publication Date2024-12-17
Publication Namenpj Women's Health
CitationPerianayagam, A. Gender disparities in health and wellbeing of older population in India. npj Womens Health 2, 44 (2024).
AbstractThis commentary highlights significant gender disparities in health and well-being among India’s older population using data from the recent Longitudinal Ageing Study in India (2017-18). Older women reported higher rates of chronic conditions, functional limitations, and women-specific health issues. These cumulative disadvantages stem from lifetime gender disparities rooted in patriarchy. The subnational pattern of gender disparities closely aligns with existing regional dynamics of socioeconomic and health inequalities. National and statewide policies are needed to address lifetime gender disparities and improve older women’s health.
SponsorThe survey data used in commentary was funded by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, the National Institute of Ageing, USA, and the United Nations Population Fund, India.
PublisherNature Research
Health care
TitleGender disparities in health and wellbeing of older population in India
Volume Number2
dc.accessType Open Access

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