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AuthorKhabazian, Mehdi
AuthorKubbar, Osama
AuthorHassanein, Hossam
Available date2025-02-10T09:35:22Z
Publication Date2012
Publication Name2012 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, ICNC'12
AbstractIn OFDM wireless networks, the radio resources are assigned to the users based on their quality of service needs and depending on their channel quality. Thus, during a call session, the bandwidth requirements and needed radio resources may increase from negotiated call setup resources. In this study, we propose a call admission control reservation algorithm that takes such resource fluctuations into consideration. We consider two types of applications denoted by wide-band and narrow band. The performance of the algorithm is modeled through a queuing theory approach and its main performance measures are compared with a conventional algorithm through simulation. The results show that such a reservation scheme improves the call admission performance significantly in terms of QoS maintenance, especially when the network is highly congested.
SponsorQatar National Research Fund
SubjectBandwidth requirement; Call admission; Call Setup; Channel quality; Conventional algorithms; Multi-services; Narrow bands; OFDM networks; Performance measure; Queuing theory; Radio resources; Resource reservations; Wide-band; Algorithms; Quality of service; Queueing theory; Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
TitleCall admission control with resource reservation for multi-service OFDM networks
TypeConference Paper
dc.accessType Full Text

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