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AuthorAtat, Rachad
AuthorYaacoub, Elias
AuthorAlouini, Mohamed-Slim
AuthorAbu-Dayya, Adnan
Available date2025-02-13T04:35:00Z
Publication Date2012
Publication NameIWCMC 2012 - 8th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference
AbstractRelay-based multicasting for the purpose of cooperative content distribution is studied. Optimized relay selection is performed with the objective of minimizing the energy consumption or the content distribution delay within a cluster of cooperating mobiles. Two schemes are investigated. The first consists of the BS sending the data only to the relay, and the second scheme considers the scenario of threshold-based multicasting by the BS, where a relay is selected to transmit the data to the mobiles that were not able to receive the multicast data. Both schemes show significant superiority compared to the non-cooperative scenarios, in terms of energy consumption and delay reduction.
SponsorQatar National Research Fund
Subjectcontent distribution
delay minimization
energy minimization
fast fading
mobile cooperation
TitleCooperative relay-based multicasting for energy and delay minimization
dc.accessType Full Text

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