Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Qatar’s first elections since 2017 reveal unexpected impact of GCC crisis
, 2019 , Article)
Turnout in the Qatari municipal election has declined, suggesting a Qatari citizenry that is slightly less engaged in the formal political process in the wake of the GCC crisis.
Crisis, State Legitimacy, and Political Participation in a Non-Democracy: How Qatar Withstood the 2017 Blockade
Middle East Institute
, 2019 , Article)
This article uses rare, nationally representative survey data collected before and after the blockade of Qatar that began in June 2017 to assess its impact on citizens’ orientations toward the Gulf Cooperation Council, ...
Creating and sustaining Islamic financial centers: Bahrain in the wake of financial and political crises
Taylor & Francis
, 2016 , Article)
Although primarily concentrated in countries with Muslim majorities,
Islamic finance has become a global industry representing
both a decentering of the global financial architecture and the
emergence of an urban network ...
Civic life and democratic citizenship in Qatar: Findings from the First Qatar World Values Survey
Brill Academic
, 2013 , Article)
The present study examines the Arab nation that has remained least affected by the regional upheaval that has gripped much of the Middle East and North Africa since the beginning of 2011: the Gulf state of Qatar. Using ...
Civil society and democratization in the Arab Gulf
, 2011 , Article)
qatar has been a notable exception to the wave of popular political mobilization that has struck Arab countries since January 2011. This is particularly so given the prominent role of its state-owned television station Al ...
The Political Costs of Qatar's Western Orientation
Blackwell Publishing Ltd
, 2012 , Article)
No (Gulf) Country for Syrian Refugees
The Council on Foreign Relations
, 2015 , Article)
A common reaction to the ongoing migrant crisis has been to blame Europe: how can the wealthy nations of western Europe allow such a tragedy? More recently, however, media and popular scrutiny have turned back toward the ...
Renegotiating the Ruling Bargain: Selling Fiscal Reform in the GCC
Middle East Institution
, 2016 , Article)
Built upon depletable reservoirs of oil and natural gas, the petro-states of the Arab Gulf
have, since their beginning, always had one eye fixated on the end: the exhaustion of their
life-giving natural resources, and ...
Research Report: The Political Economy of Sectarianism in the Gulf Region
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
, 2017 , Report)
This collection seeks to advance our understanding of intra-Islamic identity conflict in the Middle East. Instead of treating distinctions between and within Sunni and Shia Islam as primordial and immutable, it examines ...