Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Who needs RDD? Combining directory listings with cell phone exchanges for an alternative telephone sampling frame
, 2011 , Article)
The traditional Random Digit Dialing method (list-assisted RDD using a frame of landline phone numbers) is clearly under threat. The difficulty and costs of completing telephone surveys have increased due to ...
Civic life and democratic citizenship in Qatar: Findings from the First Qatar World Values Survey
Brill Academic
, 2013 , Article)
The present study examines the Arab nation that has remained least affected by the regional upheaval that has gripped much of the Middle East and North Africa since the beginning of 2011: the Gulf state of Qatar. Using ...
Attitudes Towards Migrant Workers in the GCC: Evidence from Qatar
Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
, 2012 , Article)
With the majority of Qatar’s total population made up of foreigners (high-skilled and
low-skilled migrant workers), Qatari nationals may feel that there are significant challenges for
their society; despite the absence ...
Civil society and democratization in the Arab Gulf
, 2011 , Article)
qatar has been a notable exception to the wave of popular political mobilization that has struck Arab countries since January 2011. This is particularly so given the prominent role of its state-owned television station Al ...
Reform of the Kafāla System: A Survey Experiment from Qatar
Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
, 2016 , Article)
Immigration in the Arabian Gulf is governed by the kafāla (sponsorship) system,
which provides the legal basis for the residency and employment of foreign workers across
the region. Despite mounting economic, political ...
Trusted News Sources’ Measures and their Relationships to Social and Public Attitudes: An Analysis of the First Annual Omnibus Survey of Life in Qatar
Georgia State Univesrity
, 2013 , Article)
An overwhelming majority (77 percent) of Qatari Nationals reported television as their most
trusted local news source (87 percent for Arab/regional news and 89 percent for international
news), and 80 percent rated the ...
Antecedents of Trust among Citizens and Non-citizens in Qatar
Springer Verlag
, 2016 , Article)
Utilizing new survey data on social capital, we examine the determinants and
locus of generalized trust among citizens and immigrants in Qatar, a small, heterogeneous,
wealthy, and non-democratic country in which immigrants ...
Business legacy planning for mega events: The case of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar
, 2016 , Article)
This study aimed to explore the processes of business networking which lays the foundation for business legacy outcomes initiated by the award of a mega event in a region. Building on the work of Spilling (1996) on mega ...
Gender Prespecified Sampling for Cost Control
Oxford University Press on behalf of The World Association for Public Opinion Research. All rights reserved
, 2014 , Article)
Nationally representative surveys administered in the Middle East and North Africa
typically are conducted using methodological techniques developed from outside the
region. Sometimes these best practices require ...
Legacy perceptions among Qatari nationals: What legacies will the 2022 World Cup bring?
European Association for Sport Management conference
, 2016 , Conference)
Qatar has been awarded to host the 2022 World Cup. For the Middle East this event can bring a number of changes in the region for sport and urban development. Given that the event was awarded very early in Qatar (2010) by ...