Now showing items 1-10 of 24
Migrant Worker Well-Being and Its Determinants: The Case of Qatar
, 2020 , Article)
Despite significant media attention and criticism, we know very little about the living and working conditions of low-income migrants in the Arab Gulf states, how migrants themselves view these conditions, or what factors ...
The Effects of Religiosity and Social Capital on Civic Engagement in Qatar
Springer Verlag
, 2017 , Article)
Few studies have examined the role of religiosity and social capital on civic engagement in the context of a Muslim country. In this paper, we explore the impact of religiosity and social capital on charitable donations ...
Practical Guidance on Calculating Sampling Error in Election Polls
American Association for Public Opinion Research
, 2013 , Article)
In election poll results, the proportions favoring candidates and the survey sampling error are usually reported. However, it is hard to assess if the gap between any two candidates is statistically significant or not based ...
Welfare Index of Migrant Workers in the Gulf: the Case of Qatar
, 2019 , Article)
In December 2010, Qatar won the rights to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup games. The FIFA announcement came with increasing pressure from international human rights organizations, media and other groups for Qatar to reform ...
Working and Living Conditions of Migrant Workers in the GCC: India Migration Report 2016: Gulf Migration
, 2016 , Book chapter)
India Migration Report 2016 discusses migration to the Persian Gulf region. This volume:
• looks at contemporary labour recruitment and policy, both in India and in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries;
• ...
Within-Household Sampling Conditioning on Household Size
Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The World Association
, 2012 , Article)
We review existing methods for sampling an adult from a household and highlight the strengths and weaknesses of these methods with respect to issues relevant for sampling in the Middle East and developing countries. We ...
Oxford University Press
, 2015 , Article)
This paper attempts to measure the effect of third-party presence during
the interview on sensitive questions about women’s empowerment in
Morocco, a country with Muslim culture and traditions. Data are from
the 2003 ...
Qatar World Cup 2022: Awareness of the event and its impact on destination and country character perceptions in the US tourism market
Cognizant Communication Corporation
, 2016 , Article)
This study examined how awareness levels of hosting the 2022 World Cup in Qatar changed perceptions of Qatar's destination image, country character, and neighboring destinations' images. Data were collected through Amazon ...
Resilience and Sustainability in the Gulf Migration Regimes: Kafāla in the Era of Covid-19
, 2023 , Article)
The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has strongly reaffirmed the critical importance of labor migration to the global economy, even as it has raised questions about the temporary migration programs responsible for much of this ...
Donating Time or Money? The Effects of Religiosity and Social Capital on Civic Engagement in Qatar
Springer Netherlands
, 2018 , Article)
Few studies have examined the role of religiosity and social capital on civic engagement in the context of a Muslim country. In this paper, we explore the impact of religiosity and social capital on charitable donations ...