Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Migrant Worker Well-Being and Its Determinants: The Case of Qatar
, 2020 , Article)
Despite significant media attention and criticism, we know very little about the living and working conditions of low-income migrants in the Arab Gulf states, how migrants themselves view these conditions, or what factors ...
High-skilled migration and the attractiveness of cities.
Oxford University Press
, 2018 , Book chapter)
Book Description:
Political and scientific debates on migration policies have mostly focused on governments' efforts to control or reduce low-skilled, asylum, and irregular migration or to encourage the return migration ...
Becoming Linked In: Leveraging Professional Networks for Elite Surveys and Interviews
, 2019 , Article)
Finding and recruiting survey and interview participants remains an important and time-consuming process for mixed methods researchers. For those operating in cross-cultural contexts, these barriers are particularly salient ...
Bargaining Power: A Framework for Understanding Varieties of Migration Experience
SAGE Publications Ltd
, 2021 , Article)
This article introduces the concept of bargaining power as a framework for understanding varieties of migration experience and behavior. We argue that migration and settlement experiences vary according to a migrant's ...
Refinancing the Rentier State: Welfare, Inequality, and Citizen Preferences toward Fiscal Reform in the Gulf Oil Monarchies
City University of New York
, 2021 , Article)
Against the backdrop of fiscal reform efforts in Middle East oil producers, this article proposes a general framework for understanding how citizens relate to welfare benefits in the rentier state and then tests some ...
Working and living conditions of migrant workers in the GCC
Taylor and Francis
, 2016 , Book chapter)
Since Qatar was awarded the hosting of the 2022 World Cup, a great deal of media attention has focused on the conditions of the foreign workers responsible for creating and maintaining the infrastructure of the modern Gulf ...
Expatriate labour markets in rapidly globalising cities: reproducing the migrant division of labour in Abu Dhabi and Dubai
Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
, 2016 , Article)
This paper studies the processes through which skilled international
workers are differentially attracted to and incorporated in the rapidly
globalising cities of Dubai and Abu Dhabi, thereby reproducing the
migrant ...