Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Migrant Worker Well-Being and Its Determinants: The Case of Qatar
, 2020 , Article)
Despite significant media attention and criticism, we know very little about the living and working conditions of low-income migrants in the Arab Gulf states, how migrants themselves view these conditions, or what factors ...
Parenting Young Arab Children: Psychometric Properties of an Adapted Arabic Brief Version of the Alabama Parenting Questionnaire
, 2016 , Article)
Research has shown a connection between negative parenting practices and child conduct problems. One of the most commonly used measures to assess parenting practices is the Alabama parenting questionnaire (APQ). The current ...
Resilience and Sustainability in the Gulf Migration Regimes: Kafāla in the Era of Covid-19
, 2023 , Article)
The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has strongly reaffirmed the critical importance of labor migration to the global economy, even as it has raised questions about the temporary migration programs responsible for much of this ...
Donating Time or Money? The Effects of Religiosity and Social Capital on Civic Engagement in Qatar
Springer Netherlands
, 2018 , Article)
Few studies have examined the role of religiosity and social capital on civic engagement in the context of a Muslim country. In this paper, we explore the impact of religiosity and social capital on charitable donations ...
Working and living conditions of migrant workers in the GCC
Taylor and Francis
, 2016 , Book chapter)
Since Qatar was awarded the hosting of the 2022 World Cup, a great deal of media attention has focused on the conditions of the foreign workers responsible for creating and maintaining the infrastructure of the modern Gulf ...
Migration Policies across the GCC: Challenges in Reforming the Kafala
Gulf Research Center Cambridge
, 2018 , Book chapter)
Much of the debate over immigration policy in the states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, and Qatar) revolves around the kafala, or sponsorship system.
In ...
Proxy reporting in education surveys: factors influencing accurate reporting in the 2012 Qatar Education Study
Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
, 2017 , Article)
Proxy reporting is a common practice during survey data collection to increase response rates while reducing fieldwork costs, and agreement between proxies and self-reports is critical to make reliable and valid inferences. ...