Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Attracting and retaining expatriates in Qatar during an era of uncertainty: Would you stay or would you go?
, 2017 , Article)
How do foreign workers navigate competing pressures when deciding to remain in a place or leave for a new destination? Here, we explore migration decision‐making across a diverse set of migrant nationalities using an ...
Competence and Electability: Exploring the Limitations on Female Candidates in Qatar
, 2018 , Article)
Attitudes about women’s expertise can play a role in limiting their access to influential public spaces, including elected government positions. In the Arab Gulf, women remain underrepresented in electoral politics. This ...
Bargaining Power: A Framework for Understanding Varieties of Migration Experience
SAGE Publications Ltd
, 2021 , Article)
This article introduces the concept of bargaining power as a framework for understanding varieties of migration experience and behavior. We argue that migration and settlement experiences vary according to a migrant's ...
Refinancing the Rentier State: Welfare, Inequality, and Citizen Preferences toward Fiscal Reform in the Gulf Oil Monarchies
City University of New York
, 2021 , Article)
Against the backdrop of fiscal reform efforts in Middle East oil producers, this article proposes a general framework for understanding how citizens relate to welfare benefits in the rentier state and then tests some ...
Exaggerating good governance: Regime type and score inflation among executive survey informants
, 2017 , Article)
Researchers and policymakers often rely on executive surveys to understand and promote good governance. In doing so, they assume that the evaluations provided by these well‐informed respondents are not systematically ...