Now showing items 1-10 of 76
Business legacy planning for mega events: The case of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar
, 2016 , Article)
This study aimed to explore the processes of business networking which lays the foundation for business legacy outcomes initiated by the award of a mega event in a region. Building on the work of Spilling (1996) on mega ...
Who Supports Honor-Based Violence in the Middle East? Findings From a National Survey of Kuwait
SAGE Publications Inc.
, 2018 , Article)
This study reports findings from what is, to the authors' knowledge, the first nationally representative survey of public attitudes toward honor-based violence (HBV) in a Middle East country affected by such violence, and ...
Qatar’s first elections since 2017 reveal unexpected impact of GCC crisis
, 2019 , Article)
Turnout in the Qatari municipal election has declined, suggesting a Qatari citizenry that is slightly less engaged in the formal political process in the wake of the GCC crisis.
A Hard Test of Individual Heterogeneity in Response Scale Usage: Evidence From Qatar
Oxford University Press
, 2016 , Article Review)
A common approach to correcting for interpersonal differences in response category
thresholds in surveys is the use of anchoring vignettes. Here we present results from
the first applications of anchoring vignettes in ...
, 2016 , Article)
Unconventional oil and gas production in the United States reversed a decades-
old trend of rising oil imports, provided an argument for lifting the U.S. crude oil
export ban and motivated the development of domestic ...
The Determinants of Youth Unemployment in Qatar
Middle East Economic Association and Loyola University Chicago
, 2015 , Article)
While Qatari unemployment is low compared to regional standards, unemployment is
even more concentrated among first time job-seeking youth than in other countries in the Arab
world. This paper examines the factors that ...
Civil society and democratization in the Arab Gulf
, 2011 , Article)
qatar has been a notable exception to the wave of popular political mobilization that has struck Arab countries since January 2011. This is particularly so given the prominent role of its state-owned television station Al ...
التكامل الإقليمي في مجال الغاز بين دول مجلس التعاون لدول الخليج العربية: الماضي الصعب والمستقبلات الممكنة
المركز العربي للأبحاث ودراسة السياسات
, 2018 , Article)
يعرض هذا البحث ديناميات التكامل الإقليمي في مجال الغاز بين دول مجلس التعاون لدول الخليج العربية منذ انطلاق "مشروع دولفين للطاقة" في عام 1999؛ ويقترح سيناريوهات لصادرات الغاز عبر خطوط الأنابيب حتى عام 2020. فاستنادًا إلى ...
Use of GIS or Mapping for Case Assignment
The Social and Economic Survey Research Institute, Qatar University
, 2012 , Presentation)
A technical paper where I presented SESRI way to locate potential respondent in CAPI surveys using GPS and paper maps to assist field interviewers to locate housed and offices easily and effectively, in this presentation, ...
The Patriarchal Bargain in a Context of Rapid Changes to Normative Gender Roles: Young Arab Women’s Role Conflict in Qatar
Springer Verlag
, 2016 , Article)
Social norms in patriarchal countries in the Middle East are changing at differing rates. In Qatar, expectations about education have shifted, and women’s participation in higher education is normative. However, women’s ...