• Fish processing, quality and safety in the state of Qatar 

      Abusin, Sana; Al-Emadi, Noor; أبوسن, سناء ( Social & Economic Survey Research Institute (SESRI) , 2020 , Report)
      The second National Development Strategy (NDS) of the State of Qatar 2018–2022 aims to achieve 90% self sufficiency in fish production by 2023 and balance food production with conservation of natural resources by promoting ...
    • Socio-economic and Environmental Aspects of Fish Consumption in Qatar 

      Abusin, Sana; Al-Emadi, Noor; أبوسن, سناء; العمادي, نور ( Social & Economic Survey Research Institute (SESRI) , 2020 , Report)
      After the blockade in 2017, Qatar has undergone an important development of shifting from full dependency on food imports to self-sufficiency in perishable foods. Qatar has launched a food security strategy 2018-2023; ...
    • الجـمعيات والـتبرعـات الـخيريـة 

      أبوسن, سناء; البوعينين, فهد ( Social & Economic Survey Research Institute (SESRI) , 2020 , Other)
      أجــرى معھــد الــبحوث الاجــتماعــیة والاقــتصادیــة الــمسحیة بجامعة قطر فى الــعام ۲۰۱۹ مسح لتقییم أداء الجــمعیات الــخیریــة والمؤسسات الغیر الـربـحیة عن طریق استطلاع رأي المواطنین القطریـین والمقیمین بغرض معرفة تقیمھم ...