Now showing items 18786-18805 of 52941

    • On the basis number and the minimum cycle bases of the wreath product of some graphs II 

      Al-Qeyyam, M.K.; Jaradat, M.M.M. ( University of Zielona Gora , 2010 , Article)
      A construction of a minimum cycle bases for the wreath product of a star by a path, two stars and a star by a wheel is given. Moreover, the basis numbers of these products are determined.
    • On the basis number of the wreath product of ladders 

      Jaradat, M. M. M. ( Charles Babbage Research Centre , 2016 , Article)
      The basis number of a graph G is defined to be the least non negative integer d such that there is a basis B of the cycle space of G such that each edge of G is contained in at most d members of B. In this paper, we determine ...
    • On the basis number of the wreath product of paths with wheels and some related problems 

      Jaradat, M.M.M.; Bataineh, M.S.; Al-Qeyyam, M.K. ( Charles Babbage Research Centre , 2017 , Article)
      In this paper, we investigate the basis number for the wreath product of wheels with paths. Also, as a related problem, we construct a minimum cycle basis of the same.
    • On The Behaviour Of The Solutions Of ff …... 

      Gabr, M. K [محمد كامل جبر]; Salem, S. H. ( Qatar University , 1984 , Article)
      The above equation plays an important rote in the geometric theory of functions of a complex variable. To determine interval estimations for its solutions, an inequality is obtained using the fixed point theorem. Then, ...
    • On the boundedness of a class of rough maximal operators on product spaces 

      Al-Qassem, Hussain M.; Cheng, Leslie C.; Pan, Yibiao (2011 , Article)
      In this paper, we study the Lp boundedness of a class of maximal operators T (γ) {Ωj} and a related class of rough singular integrals on product spaces. We obtain appropriate Lp estimates for such maximal operators and ...
    • On the boundedness of rough oscillatory singular integrals on Triebel-Lizorkin spaces 

      Al-Qassem, Hussain; Cheng, Leslie; Pan, Yi Biao ( springer link , 2011 , Article)
      We obtain appropriate sharp bounds on Triebel-Lizorkin spaces for rough oscillatory integrals with polynomial phase. By using these bounds and using an extrapolation argument we obtain some new and previously known results ...
    • On the capacity of cooperative diversity systems with adaptive modulation 

      Hasna , Mazen ( IEEE , 2005 , Conference Paper)
      In recent years, cooperative diversity systems have gained increased attention in the literature as a new way of combating the effect of signal fading. In this paper, we investigate the performance of these systems when ...
    • On the Classical Multicolor Ramsey Number R(3,3,3) 

      Jaam, Jihad Mohamad; Hasanh, Ahmad Mojahed ( Qatar University , 2004 , Article)
      In this paper, we are interested in the problem of evaluation of the classical multicolor Ramsey number i?(3,3,3). We first convert it successfully into a system of clauses of 3-literals each, i.e., a 3-SAT instance. We ...
    • On the coexistence of a primary user with an energy harvesting secondary user: A case of cognitive cooperation 

      Shafie, Ahmed El; Khattab, Tamer; El-Keyi, Amr; Nafie, Mohamed ( John Wiley and Sons Ltd , 2016 , Article)
      In this paper, we consider a cognitive scenario where an energy harvesting secondary user shares the spectrum with a primary user. The secondary source helps the primary source in delivering its undelivered packets during ...
    • On the complex relationship between different aspects of social capital and group loan repayment 

      Moh’d, Al-Azzam; Parmeter, Christopher F.; Sarangi, Sudipta ( Elsevier , 2020 , Article)
      Do all aspects of social capital improve repayment behavior in group lending programs? The group lending literature typically uses one or few measures of social capital in a linear form, and systematically understates the ...
    • On The Computational Efficiency Of Four Numerical Techniques For Solving The Practical Inverse Kinematics Problem Of Redundant Manipulators 

      Abdel Rahman, T. M ( Qatar University , 1990 , Article)
      In this paper we compare the computational efficiency of four methods for solving the practical inverse kinematics problem of redundant manipulators. Two methods use recursive approaches for sequential determination of ...
    • On the correlation analysis of electric field inside jet engine 

      Krishna, A; Khattab, T; Abdelaziz, A.F.; Guizani, Mohsen ( IEEE , 2014 , Conference Paper)
      A Simple channel modeling method based on correlation analysis of the electric field inside jet engine is presented. The analysis of the statistical propagation characteristics of electromagnetic field inside harsh jet ...

      Fayek, M. K. [محمد خورشيد فائق]; Abbas, Y.; Elnimr, M.; Saleh, H. ( Qatar University , 1983 , Article)
      The alkaline earth monoferrites BaCaxSr1-xFe4O8 with X = 0,0.5and 1, were studied by Mossbauer spectroscopy and neutron diffractometry over a wide range of temperatures (78 - 900 K). The lattice constants were obtained ...
    • On the degrees of freedom of the cognitive broadcast channel 

      Shahmohammadi, Mohammad; Koyluoglu, O. Ozan; Khattab, Tamer M. S.; El Gamal, Hesham (2011 , Conference Paper)
      Cognitive broadcast channel, where two multiantenna transmitters communicate with their respective receivers, is considered. One of the transmitters is said to be cognitive (secondary) as it is assumed to know the messages ...

      Abumaali, Duaa (2016 , Master Thesis)
      Interference is a principal source of capacity limitations in today's multi-access multi-user wireless systems. Despite the fact that the capacity of interference channels is still an unsolved problem, the research community ...
    • On the degrees of freedom region of the M x N Interference Channel 

      Khalil, Mohamed; Khattab, Tamer; El-Keyi, Amr; Nafie, Mohammed ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2016 , Conference Paper)
      In this paper, the K-user MIMO interference channel is considered. The asymmetric DoF region for the channel is studied. The asymmetric DoF represent the set of all achievable DoF combinations {d1, d2,..., dK}. For the ...
    • On the delay of finite buffered multi-hop relay wireless internet of things 

      Elsamadouny A.; Hasna M.; Khattab T.; Abualsaud K.; Yaacoub E. ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2019 , Conference Paper)
      The evolution of Internet of Things (IoT) as a new application in wireless networks mandates the utilization of wireless cooperative relaying to overcome the energy limitations of IoT devices. Multi-hop relaying is a ...
    • On the delay/throughput-security tradeoff in wiretap TDMA networks with buffered nodes 

      El Shafie, Ahmed; Al-Dhahir, Naofal; Ding, Zhiguo; Hamila, Ridha ( IEEE , 2019 , Article)
      In this paper, we investigate the tradeoff between security and throughput and between security and queuing delay in wiretap time-division multiple access (TDMA) networks. We derive a simple relationship, characterized by ...
    • On the Design of a Relay-Assisted Network 

      El Shafie, Ahmed; Khattab, Tamer; Sultan, Ahmed; Poor, H. Vincent ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2015 , Article)
      A relay network composed of a source, a set of relays, and a destination is considered. A queueing framework is proposed, in which each node maintains a buffer to store its incoming traffic. An optimization-based formulation ...
    • On the Design of Bit-Slice Processors 

      Bishai, S.; Metwally, M. S. ( Qatar University , 1988 , Article)
      In the past decade, fixed instruction microprocessors have evolved from 4 bits to 32 bits. Their compact design and relative low cost have made them very popular with design engineers. Their use extends into a lot of ...